
After years of searching, Fort Myers man finally finds rare shell on Sanibel Island

Johnnie Ennis recently fulfilled one of his big goals in life.

His hobby is looking for shells that wash up on Sanibel Island. He is a shell enthusiast and has been for quite some time. So when he finally found a rare junonia shell in March, you can understand the joy and happiness it brought to this Fort Myers man.

"I was like a kid in a candy store," Ennis said. "Emotions were high. I was even jumping up down like the circus was coming to town!"

Southwest Florida, and specifically Sanibel, has earned a reputation for some of the best shelling in the world. It's well-known a destination for shellers. Ennis, 52 and a native of Long Island, N.Y., is lucky enough to live here and he makes frequent trips to the beach to find his treasures with his girlfriend, Andree Sanquini.


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How rare is a junonia shell?

According the the Bailey-Matthews National Seashell Museum's junonia research page on its website, the junonia shell is rare because it is unlike the types of shells that can be readily found on the beaches of Sanibel and Captiva that come from animals that live close to shore. The junonia sea snail lives miles offshore, in water between 30 and 130 meters deep. So, it’s very rare for the waves to roll them all the way to the beach without being damaged.

Finding a junonia shell: One man's story

This is a close-up photo of the rare junonia shell Johnnie Ennis found while shelling on Sanibel Island in March.
This is a close-up photo of the rare junonia shell Johnnie Ennis found while shelling on Sanibel Island in March.

Ennis said he was walking just north of Bowman's Beach when he found the junonia. We asked him about his adventure with a series of questions via email. Here are his responses:

Where did you find the junonia shell?

ENNIS: I found the shell in the surf and I did it freestyle, meaning I had no rake that day. I found it when was I pacing back and forth from one point to another point, I pick markers on the beach like driftwood or a fossil shell. I pay attention to the surf walking south looking for shells I want the sun shine in front of me then when I turn around to go back I look at the shore to see what washed up repeating this for hours or long as the shells are coming in.

What was your reaction when you found the junonia shell?

ENNIS: I was like 'No way!' I turned to Andree with a closed hand and said  look what I found!!! There was another couple there. They knew.

Here is the shells Johnnie Ennis found the day he finally added a rare junonia shell to his collection. The junonia is on white cloth at the top of the blue bag.
Here is the shells Johnnie Ennis found the day he finally added a rare junonia shell to his collection. The junonia is on white cloth at the top of the blue bag.

Of course, you already knew a junonia shell is rare?

ENNIS: Yes. It's a rare shell indeed to find. It took years and countless hours walking the beach to find it.

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What else do you remember from that day of shelling?

I would have say it was the best day of shelling I’ve ever seen. There were a lot of good ones , rare one , big ones. The beach was littered with them. Every time you turned around, they were there . We spent like six hours out there. Andree kept saying we should have brought the rakes. To think what we may have missed! But like I said, with a day like that, freestyle worked just fine.

So, this is your first intact junonia? No cracks or chips?

ENNIS: Yes this my first one that I found. I found plenty pieces of one…lol

What are the dimensions of the junonia shell?

ENNIS: It’s 3 1/2 inches long and it 1 1/4 high. As far as weight, I don’t know. I need a food scale to figure that out.

How long have you been shelling on Sanibel Island?

ENNIS: I started shelling back in 2003 when I first started living here. Back then, I didn’t know any better like I do now, but hard core shelling? I would have to say since 2018 when we got a condo here. I showed Andree my spot and she’s been hooked ever since the first day. It’s important to have a partner that is looking to put hours and hours into shelling. So to be fair, 10 years.Shelling is a way of life. Peaceful, a place of serenity. Just you and the beach. Like people who hike mountains.

When do you go shelling on Sanibel Island?

ENNIS: We go shelling when we can − before work or after work. We are earlier risers meaning flash lights, lol, weekends, etc.

What other shells are in your collection that you are proud of?

ENNIS: Some of my shells I’m proud of are Alphabet cones, Horse Conchs, large Lightning Whelks, large Tulips, Zigzag Scallops − people call them Flats − and my Albino Horse Conch, which you don’t cross often either.

Where are you displaying your junonia?

ENNIS: It’s on my dresser right now. Andree bought a display for it. It’s nice to hold show people so they can touch it .

Are you going to your junonia it professionally polished?

ENNIS: No. I wouldn’t polish it.

How much does the right timing have to do with finding a rare shell like a junonia?

ENNIS: Timing is and can be everything. Tides and moon phases are important to watch. There is science to this. Also sometimes it’s just pure luck!

What are some of your favorite shells to find on Sanibel?

ENNIS: The Big Ones. Period. You walk off the beach with one in your hand - your it!

Have you seen any difference in shelling on Sanibel after Hurricane Ian?

ENNIS:  As far as the hurricane impacting our shelling I’d have say I see nothing has changed but the shoreline. A lot got washed on (during and after the hurricane). That’s for sure.

NOTE TO READERS: If you have a shell story to share, send an email to I'd love to hear it!

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Rare junonia shell found on Sanibel Island florida beach