Wayne County Wanderings: Matt Meagher sworn in as Judge in the Court of Common Pleas
On Tuesday, December 28 more than 100 people gathered at the Wayne County Courthouse to witness an historic moment.
President Judge Janine Edwards presided over the investiture ceremony of Matthew L. Meagher, who will now join her on the bench as a judge in the Court of Common Pleas.
Among those dignitaries on hand to show their support were: President Judge Jason Legg (Susquehanna County), Judge Kelly Gaughan (Pike County) and President Judge Greg Chelak (Pike County).
Meagher ran unopposed in last May's primary and in the general election. He was officially tabbed November 2 after racking up an impressive 9,928 vote total.
On his way to the bench, Matt has served both as a lawyer in private practice, and as an Assistant District Attorney for Wayne County. He's a graduate of Honesdale High School, the University of Scranton and California Western School of Law.
He was joined on this memorable day by his parents, Paul and Sandy Meagher, his fiancee, Dr. Sybil Rickard, his children, siblings, nieces and nephews.
It was a well-deserved day of celebration for the Meagher Family, whose members have been pillars of the community for several generations.
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Democracy in Action
The simple ceremony ran smoothly from start to finish, despite all the COVD protocols still in effect.
Judge Edwards led the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Wayne County Coroner Edward Howell delivered the invocation.
The President Judge then took a few minutes to address the audience with a heartfelt speech, offering both praise and sage advice.
“Matt has acted in the best interests of his clients and his community for 20 plus years,” Judge Edwards said. “At each stop in his career, he has always been dedicated to those he served. I personally take great comfort in having Matt join me on the bench.”
Edwards has been serving as President Judge of Wayne County for more than four years. She's learned a great deal already from that experience … experience that's undeniably led to wisdom.
“Truth and justice ring loudly in this profession,” she said. “Ultimately, the work we do as judges must be premised upon those things worth believing in, worth preserving.
“Honesty, independence, understanding and patience are all traits Matt has shown in the past. They will serve him well on the bench.”
Judge Edwards closed by giving those assembled a glimpse of what she believes to be the most important characteristics of a good judge.
“Justice is more than just interpreting the law,” she said. “A judge must also show compassion and understanding for those on both sides of the case.
“I firmly believe that people are good. Sometimes they make bad choices. Some lack an upbringing with good values. Some come from a difficult childhood. We as judges see it all from the bench and, in the end, we must remember that people are good.”
Attorney Nicholas Barna spoke on behalf of the local Bar Association, while Attorney Ronald Bugaj and Attorney Christine Rechner presented Meagher with a personalized gavel.
Barna endeared himself to the audience with his trademark good humor, gentlemanly demeanor and soft-spoken eloquence.
“It's an honor to be here for you, Matt,” Nick said. “Over the course of the past 20 years, he's represented his community, school districts, townships and planning commissions.
“Matt, may the good Lord bless you with wisdom, discernment and much patience.
“On behalf of all the attorneys here present, we welcome you to the bench and look forward to working with you in serving the people of Wayne County.”
Attorney Brendan Ellis presented his Law Partner to the court. Then, Judge Edwards administered the oath and Matthew L. Meagher officially donned the robe and joined her on the bench.
Lessons Learned
Meagher's first public comments as a judge in the Wayne County Court of Common Pleas emphasized gratitude to all those who've supported him along the way.
He thanked his family, friends and colleagues. He also shared several anecdotes highlighting things he's learned over the years from the four judges who preceded him.
From the late Judge James Rutherford, Matt learned to check the law and local rules.
From Judge Robert Conway, he learned always to be early, always to be prepared and never to waste his client's or the court's time.
From Judge Ray Hamill, he learned always to strive to produce the best work product possible.
“Serving in an elected position is a matter of the highest public trust,” Judge Hamill told him. “The people are trusting you to be honest, to be impartial, to apply the facts of law and to work hard every single day.”
From Judge Edwards, he learned the value of patience and perseverance in the face of adversity.
While each of these anecdotes delivered a worthwhile message, it was a story about a local legal legend that resonated most clearly.
Wisdom of the Ages
Thomas Kilroe worked as a lawyer here in Wayne County for more than a half-century.
He served as the Assistant US Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania and as the state’s Deputy Attorney General.
Tom was dedicated to his family, a selfless community volunteer, and a man of abiding faith. He was also deeply respected for his love of the law.
Sadly, Tom passed away on November 20 at the age of 92. However, his presence was palpable at the investiture ceremony as evidenced by an anecdote related to the newest Wayne County judge.
Several years ago, Matt and Tom were involved in a deep philosophical discussion about the law and the court system.
To Matt’s surprise, his colleague cited legendary Greek thinker Socrates in describing the essential qualities of an effective judge: Four things belong to a judge. They are to hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially.
“That pretty much sums it up,” Judge Meagher said as heads all over the courtroom nodded in silent agreement.
On behalf of all of us here at the Tri-County Independent, we wish Judge Meagher a long and successful tenure on the Wayne County bench.
This article originally appeared on Tri-County Independent: Wayne County Wanderings Kevin Edwards Wayne County Judge Meagher