
Can I wait to renew my license to get a REAL ID? | Ask the DMV

Q: As I understand it, the extension to May 3, 2023, is an extension of an enforcement deadline, meaning you will not need a REAL ID if you have a passport until after that date. Is that correct? So, May 3, 2023, is NOT a deadline to obtain a REAL ID.

By May 3, 2023, it will be required to have a REAL ID to board domestic flights or enter certain secure federal facilities.
By May 3, 2023, it will be required to have a REAL ID to board domestic flights or enter certain secure federal facilities.

I have a valid passport. My driver’s license expires in June 2023. Therefore, since REAL IDs will still be issued, I can wait until I renew my license next year to get my REAL ID and not pay the extra $27.50 because it’s outside the regular renewal period.

— Dianne I., North Kingstown

A: The May 3, 2023, date is when it will be required to have a REAL ID to board domestic flights or enter certain secure federal facilities. If you do not have a REAL ID at that time, the federal government will accept a valid U.S. passport or U.S. military ID in its absence. REAL IDs will still be issued by the R.I. DMV following this date and beyond.


The R.I. DMV encourages everyone to obtain a REAL ID during their renewal cycle. We are also encouraging those people who want a REAL ID to not wait until the last minute to get one.

You can renew a credential (driver license, commercial driver license or state identification card) 90 days prior to expiration, and you would need to make a reservation to come into any DMV branch and get a REAL ID.

REAL IDs require an in-person visit to the DMV. Instructions on how to make a reservation can be found on the front page of our website:  If you get a REAL ID during your renewal cycle, then there is no additional charge other than your renewal fee. Otherwise, there is a $27.50 update fee to get a REAL ID.

It is very easy to get a REAL ID. You need an identity document such a state-issued birth certificate or a valid U.S. passport, proof of a Social Security number or a letter issued by the Social Security Administration stating the applicant is not eligible to receive a Social Security number, and two proofs of R.I. residency, such as current utility bills with the address of residence clearly stated along with the applicant’s name.

I like to advise people that they should bring with them their proof of Social Security number just in case the number doesn’t validate. It will save you from having to come back with that documentation.

There is an important requirement that has caused issues with REAL IDs, especially with women: If there is a name change from the identity document presented to the current documents presented, then "Proof of Name Change," such as a state-issued wedding certificate, divorce decree or probate court order, is required. All documents must be original or certified with a state seal on them. A complete list of required documents can be found on our website under the “License, Permits & ID” tab and then the “REAL ID” tab.

Once you have applied for a REAL ID and have the gold star on your credential (driver's license, commercial driver's license or state identification card), it stays as a REAL ID, even when you renew your credential. Look at your current credential and make sure that you still have the gold star in the upper-right-hand side. If for some reason you have a REAL ID and you notice that the gold star is missing when you do a renewal, please contact the DMV so we can research why it is no longer there.

AAA also offers to their members the ability to get a REAL ID. Appointments are necessary at AAA.

Chuck Hollis
Chuck Hollis

Chuck Hollis is assistant administrator of the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. Please email your questions to with “Ask the DMV” in the subject field.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Ask the RI DMV: Can I wait to renew my license to get a REAL ID?