
How Reachdesk is using data to help businesses with gifting

Reachdesk CEO Temy Mancusi-Ungaro joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss how the company leverages data insights to facilitate gifting and personalizing messages.

Video Transcript

EMILY MCCORMICK: Reachdesk is in the business of gifting. The company is aiming to enhance business-to-business direct mail and gifting with a data-driven approach. For more, we have Reachdesk CEO, Temy Mancusi-Ungaro joining us now. And Temy, thank you so much for being with us this afternoon. Can you tell us a little bit more about Reachdesk's mission and the need that you saw in the corporate gifting space that you're trying to address?

TEMY MANCUSI-UNGARO: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Emily, again, for having us. Reachdesk's mission is to enable businesses to deliver moments that matter at scale globally. You know, we-- who doesn't love gifting? And corporate businesses today deliver over a quarter billion dollars of gifts. And doing so right now for businesses is very time consuming. You have to find the right vendor. You have to collect the information. You have to handle the packing. And then you still, in the end, the problem we really saw is businesses didn't know how that gifting was performing.


So at Reachdesk, we took a really data-driven approach to gifting. And with our software, businesses are able to send gifting-- gifts as easy as they send email, which means you can connect to your sales platform. You can pull down your contacts. You can use our marketplace of gifts to send out whatever you want. And then the best part of all, we track every single send. So we know who you send--


TEMY MANCUSI-UNGARO: --what you send, and how it converts.

ADAM SHAPIRO: So help me see this in the real world. When I was at Fox Business, the best time of year was when the hedge fund sent the big boxes of chocolate. But that's not this kind of what you're offering. And I just got something from somebody we cover, and I don't have to return it because it's probably about 2 bucks. But it was great. It had my name on it. It's a keychain. It's really cool. So if I'm a small business, how do you help me get the kind of reaction I just had to that little keychain I got from someone who's been on the show before, as opposed to I'm just expecting the big box of chocolate from the hedge fund?

TEMY MANCUSI-UNGARO: Yeah, now great point. And I think it's not the gift that matters. It's really the connection that you're building with the gift. And so, you know, in order to build that connection like your story, it's about personalizing the gift. And so a lot of what we do with our software and with our marketplace, letting businesses create personalized messages around the gift and then create personalized gifts.

So you can send out cupcakes. Anyone can send cupcakes. We have marketplace vendors who can send out a cupcake with your prospect's logo on it. If someone has a baby, you can send out a bottle of champagne. And you can engrave that moment into that. And so for us, it's really about all those moments that people have in their lives and building personal connections between businesses and either their employees or their prospects or their customers.

EMILY MCCORMICK: I'm wondering-- we think about some of these supply chain disruptions and shipping delays that have been really impacting the economy at scale for the past couple of months now. How has Reachdesk been impacted by some of these disruptions?

TEMY MANCUSI-UNGARO: Yeah, no, Emily, that's a great point. And it's not just Reachdesk, but customers are gifting everywhere. And really, the power of Reachdesk is that you have a single pane of glass where you can see how all your gifts are performing. So we track every send. You can see what sends have gone out, what sends have been redeemed, and where they are in the supply chain. So that really gives you full visibility into where your gift sits and helps you track kind of the momentum of that. Best of all, we let you know when that gifts has been delivered so you can follow up with that recipient and then continue to build that relationship.

ADAM SHAPIRO: Do your clients help you create a database that shows retention of clients-- their clients or growth of business for their clients after they've used your tool?

TEMY MANCUSI-UNGARO: Yeah, no, the best part of all is customers don't have to build anything additional. We connect directly into their stack, so we can connect into Salesforce. We connect to the outreach, Salesloft, Marketo. We can connect the entire stack. We pull that information into the Reachdesk platform.

From there, we can provide to you the insights that you're looking for, which really has been eye opening. It's letting businesses now see which gifts are performing. We can identify who you should be gifting, who you're not, what gifting to do, and most importantly, when to be gifting-- doing the gifting. And best of all, we can tie all those gifts back to the original campaign so you can start to see the actual ROI you had and how did that impact your business.

EMILY MCCORMICK: All right, we'll leave it there for now. Reachdesk CEO Temy Mancuso-Ungaro, thank you so much for joining us.