
TSA: Gun seizures at Jacksonville's airport are on pace to break record; see what else is confiscated

Transportation Security Administration officials display some of the knives, swords, electronic stun devices, guns, replicas and other prohibited items confiscated in the first half of 2022 from passengers checking in at Jacksonville International Airport.
Transportation Security Administration officials display some of the knives, swords, electronic stun devices, guns, replicas and other prohibited items confiscated in the first half of 2022 from passengers checking in at Jacksonville International Airport.

Jacksonville could see a record number of gun seizures at its security checkpoint by the time 2022 ends if numbers for the first half of this year are any indication, according to the Transportation Security Administration.

As flights ramped up in the waning days of the COVID-19 pandemic amid loosened mask restrictions, TSA agents seized 34 guns at Jacksonville International Airport from Jan. 1 to June 30.

Keep that going and 2019's JIA gun seizures for the year, a high of 50, could be surpassed by the winter holidays, TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz said. That was a record number in the last full year of flights before the coronavirus, the agency said.


In 2020, 36 guns were seized as the number of flights dropped during the pandemic. Then seizures jumped to 42 in 2021 as more people flew, TSA said.

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"In November and December, when you have very high-volume weeks of people traveling for the holidays, some have never traveled or only travel once every few years. That is when we do see an escalation in the number of people bringing guns through the checkpoint," she said in the likelihood the first-half numbers will only get higher.

Gun seizures

Nationally, TSA agents have prevented more than 3,000 firearms from entering aircraft passenger cabins in the first half of this year. On average TSA said it stopped 17 firearms each day at checkpoints in that period from Jan. 1 to June 30.

If that pace continues, firearm catches will eclipse the current full-year record of 5,972 intercepted at the nation’s checkpoints in 2021.

Handguns, hacksaws, and a grenade: TSA catches lots of weapons at Jacksonville's airport

Machetes, switchblades and martial arts throwing stars have also been collected in recent months by officers at Jacksonville International Airport's screening station.
Machetes, switchblades and martial arts throwing stars have also been collected in recent months by officers at Jacksonville International Airport's screening station.

"There's also substantial numbers of people across the country who put their guns in their checked bag and don't pack it properly," Koshetz said. "... If those are detected as improperly packed, then the airline is called and the passenger must go back."

Those seizure numbers had been rising anyway.

TSA officials logged 27 guns seized at JIA in 2013. The number dropped to 14 in 2014; then rose to 25 in 2015; 33 in 2016; 39 in 2017; and 49 in 2018, Koshetz said.

Waning pandemic means more travelers

Along with the year's record number of handgun seizures, the TSA screened more than 11.3 million travelers nationally during the Independence Day extended holiday period from June 30 through July 4. That weekend travel volume represents 93% of passenger traffic for the same five-day pre-pandemic holiday period in 2019.

That Friday, July 1, was the busiest air travel day of the weekend. TSA screened 2.49 million people, narrowly surpassing the previous post-pandemic high of 2.46 million travelers screened on Friday, June 26. Despite the rush and crush, about 92% of those passengers in standard screening lanes waited less than 15 minutes, TSA said.

“We expect the summer travel season to remain busy," TSA Administrator David Pekoske said. "We encourage passengers to arrive at the airport in plenty of time to park, check-in, check bags, get through the checkpoint with identification in hand and get to their gates in time for boarding."

Confiscated at the gates

Passengers may not realize they cannot bring a replica gun on board a plane.

Some of those confiscated this year in Jacksonville included a blue toy handgun, some realistic BB guns and a gun-like switchblade, Koshetz said. They may not be able to fire, but they can still be dangerous if they get inside the plane.

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"If you brandish that replica gun, the person looking at it might think it is real and you could create a very dangerous situation," she said. "That is why we don't even allow toy guns in the cabin, AirSoft, BB or pellet guns. Any gun of any type is not allowed in the cabin of the aircraft."

Replica handguns are also illegal to carry onboard a flight, such as these BB and pellet guns, one with a silencer (lower center), and even a switchblade hidden inside a fake handgun (lower left). They were confiscated at Jacksonville International Airport earlier this year.
Replica handguns are also illegal to carry onboard a flight, such as these BB and pellet guns, one with a silencer (lower center), and even a switchblade hidden inside a fake handgun (lower left). They were confiscated at Jacksonville International Airport earlier this year.

Deactivated antique grenades, or those converted into cigarette lighters or other curios, are also prohibited in carry-on or checked baggage. Their discovery "would cause us to freeze operations" until a bomb expert confirms that all explosives have been removed, including a possible baggage area evacuation, Koshetz said.

Passengers caught with guns or prohibited weapons are interviewed by TSA officials as well as local police, Koshetz said. And a weapons violation means a civil fine of up to $13,000 from TSA, not including what police may do, she said.

"They can also be arrested, and instead of going on vacation or business trip, they could be going to jail," she said.

TSA travel reminders

Travelers can enroll in TSA PreCheck, which allows travelers to leave their shoes, jackets and belts on, and keep electronics and travel-size containers (3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters) of liquids in their carry-on bags. TSA PreCheck lanes move faster than regular lanes., (904) 359-4549

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Gun seizures at Jacksonville International Airport should break record