
Trump complained on a radio show that the media spent 'all night' Sunday covering the devastation wrought by Hurricane Ida instead of his 'great agreement' with the Taliban

Trump complained on a radio show that the media spent 'all night' Sunday covering the devastation wrought by Hurricane Ida instead of his 'great agreement' with the Taliban
  • Donald Trump complained to the radio host Todd Starnes about some news outlets' focus last weekend.

  • He said some covered Hurricane Ida but not what he called his "great agreement" with the Taliban.

  • The former president singled out CNN and MSNBC, which he labeled "MSDNC."

  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

Former President Donald Trump went on a radio show Monday and complained at length that some news outlets were covering the devastating Hurricane Ida more than what he called his "great agreement" with the Taliban.

"All they talked about was the hurricane. You look at CNN and you look at MSDNC, these are horrible," Trump told the conservative radio host Todd Starnes, deploying a nickname he often uses to link MSNBC to the Democratic Party. "Unfortunately, they're way down in ratings, but all they want to talk about is the hurricane or anything else they can talk about.

"Afghanistan is not even something that can even be discussed in a rational way. The level of stupidity - and we had a great agreement."


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By one estimate, a million homes along the Gulf Coast were at risk of damage or destruction from Hurricane Ida, whose eye made landfall in Louisiana on Sunday. At least one person has died, and hundreds of thousands of Louisianans were left without power.

Tens of thousands of people were evacuated, and many were still unable to return to their homes Monday even after Ida was downgraded to a tropical storm.

The former president went on to accuse the media of not reporting that he had an understanding with the Taliban and "Abdul" - most likely referring to the Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar - not to kill Americans.

"We would have hit them so hard, and they knew that, Abdul knew that," Trump said. "I would have taken the equipment out, I would have taken the people out, and then we would have bombed every base but Bagram," he said.

In a video of the exchange, Starnes could be seen attempting to get a word in, but Trump continued.

"The media, which is fake and crooked and corrupt, they're the worst people, they're the most corrupt people," Trump said. "The only thing I don't understand is why. They've got to hate our country. And they are, in fact, the enemy of the people. But the corrupt media shows the hurricane all night long."

Trump has weighed in about the US withdrawal from Afghanistan several times over the past two weeks.

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Referring to the deal the Trump administration brokered with the Taliban that said the US would withdraw its military presence within 14 months, President Joe Biden said on August 14 that his predecessor left the Taliban "in the strongest position militarily since 2001."

The next day, Trump responded to Biden, blaming him for not "following the plan (the Trump) Administration left for him." On August 16, Trump released six statements blasting Biden for the way he handled the Afghanistan withdrawal, saying the outcome "would have been totally different" with a Trump administration in charge.

Trump then complimented the Taliban during an appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on August 17, calling them "smart" and "good fighters."

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