Sioux Falls Police Chief Jon Thum's sideburns have inspired 'Novem-Burn For Hope' fundraiser
If there's one thing Sioux Falls Police Chief Jon Thum is known for, it's his sideburns. But a new fundraiser means a lot more people around town could be sporting them — or at least giving it their best shot.
The fundraiser, aptly named "Novem-Burn For Hope," is intended to raise both funds and awareness for Operation Hope, which began as part of the Sioux Falls for All funding package and earlier this year appropriated $500,000 to The Link, the city's mental health and addiction triage center.
"I think there's still a lot of people who don't know about it," said Councilor Marshall Selberg, who proposed the fund in March. "I'm sure everybody knows somebody who could use it."
The idea was born a few weeks ago at a conference in the same vein as Movember, an annual event where men grow mustaches to raise awareness of various men's health issues, Selberg said.
So throughout November, the city's encouraging the growing of sideburns (noting that it's "doubtful" they'll be better than Thum's) alongside a donation of at least $25 to Operation Hope.
"As I've said, the sideburn has often been overlooked and is really, in my opinion, the finest piece of facial hair," Thum said.
It's also the right time to increase awareness of The Link as well as Operation Hope, Thum said.
"I think this is a way just to kind of refresh that conversation, especially before the holidays when many people struggle with some alcohol and mental health issues, and just kind of bring it to the forefront again," Thum said..
Selberg said he has confirmation the six men of the Sioux Falls City Council will be participating, as well as Mayor Paul TenHaken, and they've spread the fundraiser among all city employees.
"After enduring, you know, decades of criticism for my sideburns, it's nice to see they're finally paying off," said Thum, who said his grandmother "despised them" and once shaved one off under the guise of trimming them.
If you'd like to donate, use the QR code on the poster above, or search @NovemBurnForHope on Venmo.
And if you'd like to grow your own sideburns, check out some tips from Thum himself below:
Be committed. You may go through an awkward stage as is often the case for new facial hair (for some it may never leave) as you begin to grow your burns. Give it the full month to fully realize your potential and don’t listen to the critics.
Study the greats. Sideburns can be styled in a variety of ways. Find your inspiration from those who did it best; James Dean, Elvis Presley, Luke Perry, but maybe not David Beckham.
Apply a mixture of green tea, honey, peanut butter and lard each night before bed to maximize growth. Just kidding. Hair is going to do its own thing based on your genetics. If sideburns aren’t a good look just shave them off at the end of the month (no sideburns are better than patchy ones). If you like your new look, adopt it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and remember you're doing it for a good cause.
This article originally appeared on Sioux Falls Argus Leader: Sioux Falls Police Chief's sideburns inspire Operation Hope fundraiser