
QAnon followers now convinced UFOs are being used to distract from Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

La Marina de los EE. UU. Lanzó un video a principios de este año que muestra lo que parecían ser 'ovnis' ((US Navy))
La Marina de los EE. UU. Lanzó un video a principios de este año que muestra lo que parecían ser 'ovnis' ((US Navy))

QAnon conspiracy theorists are now convinced that the recent uptick in revelations and interest in UFOs is a way to distract the public from the so-called “Big Lie” pushed by former President Donald Trump and some of his supporters that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Followers of QAnon also believe that the renewed interest in the extraterrestrial world is being used to pull attention away from conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic.

“There’s no doubt that this mainstream UFO disclosure push is offering a convenient distraction for the Deep State to turn our attention away from important issues like the Scamdemic and the election fraud getting exposed,” UFO and QAnon conspiracy theorist Jordan Sather wrote on social media platform Telegram on 19 May.


Mr Sather has argued that the renewed attention being paid to UFOs is a way for left-wing “social justice warriors” to “virtue signal”. His response is typical of the QAnon crowd, The Daily Beast reported.

InfoWars, a gathering place for conspiracy theorists, has published numerous articles about UFOs, but the outlet has recently started to view possible new revelations about alien life – or mysterious interference by foreign powers – as a plot pushed by the so-called deep state.

InfoWars producer Greg Reese said in an April video that UFOs were being faked using technology by inventor Nikola Tesla and the Nazis. The final goal, according to Mr Reese, would be to fake an alien invasion to enslave humanity. He called it “the most dire false flag imaginable”.

Using words and phrases familiar to followers of QAnon, Mr Reese said the newly released videos of UFOs were a plot to wrongly convince people that aliens are real, before vaporising large parts of humanity.

“We know the cabal has the will to do this, and it seems they have the means as well,” he said.

The Daily Beast reports that the claims that new focus on UFOs is the work of a global evil cabal show the increasing overlap between the UFO “disclosure” community and other conspiracy theory movements, particularly QAnon.

Syracuse University professor and conspiracy theory expert Michael Barkun coined the phrase “stigmatized knowledge,” meaning ideas that have been rejected by those with mainstream beliefs.

Believing in UFOs means accepting “stigmatized knowledge,” which can make it easier to accept other conspiracy theories rejected by the mainstream.

Ufologist Steven Greer has claimed that others who pushed UFO theories have been killed by intelligence agents to stop them from revealing the truth. But as the government may make some real disclosure in the near future, Dr Greer now thinks that whatever the government may say, it’s a hoax meant to hide the truth about UFOs.

In a YouTube video last week, he said: “This is the ramping up of the false disclosure that we warned about,” adding that UFOs were inaccurately being described as a “national security threat”.

Travis View, co-host of the QAnon Anonymous podcast, told The Daily Beast: “QAnon promoters gain an audience by claiming that they have access to information that the mainstream media doesn’t.”

“When major outlets report on their pet topic, such as UFOs, it’s actually damaging to their brand because their audience has been trained to distrust everything that comes from the mainstream media,” he added.

Pro-Trump figures on the right have also adopted the idea that UFOs are being used to distract the public.

Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson tweeted on 19 May that the new UFO footage was being used to distract from the Republican recount of 2020 ballots in Maricopa County in Arizona.

“They want you talking about aliens because they don’t want you talking about Maricopa. They want you talking about UFO’s because they don’t want you talking about stagflation, the collapse of the dollar, the crisis on the border, and Biden’s mental health,” she wrote.

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