Literally No One In "Power Book II: Ghost" Can Be Trusted, So I Ranked Them From Least To Most Trustworthy
15.Salim Ashe Freeman (played by Petey McGee)
FED! COP! FIVE-O! He is ranked as the least trustworthy because how did Jenny Sullivan get that photo of Tariq and Effie in the hallway? I think it was Salim. He’s been asking too many questions about Diana, and he researched her family and admitted that to her face. Who does that? Like Cane said, his name sounds “made tf up,” and I think he’s working undercover, attempting to sleep with Diana just to get information on the Tejadas! That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
14.Saxe (played by Shane Johnson)
Dear Saxe, we didn’t like you in the original series. How is it that he is still alive with all the snooping he’s done and all the times he broke the law? I just know his camera roll is full because of all the pics he takes to blackmail and trap anyone who gets in his way. He plays dirty and the worst part about it is that he always gets caught. So my question is why is he still breathing??????? Literally no one trusts him!
13.Effie (played by Alix Lapri)
I’m just gonna come out and say it. I don’t like this girl. From Choate to Stansfield or wherever she thinks she’s gonna run off with Tariq—Effie cannot be trusted! I didn’t forget how she got Tariq expelled from Choate. As smart as she is, she could have figured out another way but instead she chose to betray someone she supposedly liked. She almost ruined Tariq’s life before and I suspect she will do it again because when it comes down to it, Effie only looks out for herself. What did she call it? Eliminating the competition? Doing something even though it was the last thing she wanted to do? A bunch of bs is what I call it. She’s a character with no morals and poor Tariq will be ruined by her.
12.Diana (LaToya Tonodeo)
Dirty Diana. You never really see her coming; she’s too unpredictable and her actions are typically motivated by a blurry sense of self-interest. I keep thinking about how she stole Monet’s money to get Lorenzo out of prison. Not only did she go behind Monet’s back, but she framed that innocent contractor and made it look like he was the one who took the money. She got him killed along with Zeke. YES, I BLAME DIANA FOR ZEKE’S DEATH because Diana never considered how Zeke would react to hearing the truth about his mother (Monet). She meant to hurt Monet and later hurt everyone else as a domino result. She reminds me of Tariq in Season 4 and 5 of Power.
And another thing, she’s always claiming that she wants independence and doesn’t want to be tied to her family’s organization, but sweetie, they are literally paying for your college tuition. So you better put some respect on your family’s name or else you can forget about Stansfield and working at that cute little bookstore with your new boyfriend who is a SNITCH!
11.Blanca Rodriguez (Monique Gabriela Curnen)
At first I felt like Blanca was playing a fair game. She wasn't as dirty as Saxe, not nearly as annoying as Angela, but then when she threatened to take Cash from Lakiesha I just knew this woman was just as bad as all the other detectives. And now she’s back in yet another Power series. I respect the hustle but Blanca is just too smart for her own good. She’ll pay for that eventually. It may not be until Power Book X, but she will definitely pay for not letting some things go.
10.Jenny Sullivan (Paton Ashbrook)
Her obsession with Tariq and Brayden is not healthy. She has poor little Lauren stashed away after a near death experience, squeezing her for every ounce of information that she can get. She left her with no WiFi and two cans of Spam. That’s really what did it for me. Like ma’am, you can’t even buy the girl some food while you’re so-called protecting her and using her to build a case against her enemies? The nerve! Jenny knows who tried to kill Lauren but yet is after a whole other case to take Tariq, Brayden, Effie, and the Tejadas down. Smh. Everyone just keeps manipulating Lauren and I’m sick of it. #FreeLauren #FeedLauren #GiveLaurenTheWifiPassword
9.Monet (Mary J. Blige)
I already know I’ll get some heat for ranking Monet this high on the trustworthy list, but you know what, she always keeps it real. Except for the whole Zeke thing, and her Ramirez fling, and her secret partnership with Tariq, and her encounter with Mecca! Look, she’s the queen so she makes the rules and everyone else has to fall in line. That’s the setup.
8.Cane (Woody McClain)
My man my man my man. I’m torn with this one, which is why he’s right in the middle. Cane has become my favorite character, just like Tommy in Power because these two have zero tolerance for nonsense. Cane’s predictability makes him trustworthy because you can always trust Cane to be Cane. When it comes to enemies, Cane is going to strike, simple as that. He is impulsive and not as smart as Tariq but he is loyal to his family…for the most part. I know he almost killed Lorenzo and they’ve had quite a few disagreements, but they’ve made up and I forgive him because that’s my man and Imma stick beside him. Hehe.
7.Lauren (Paige Hurd)
Aww, sweet Lauren. She’s only untrustworthy because Professor Milgram manipulated her into wearing a wire. To Lauren’s defense, she was trying to save Tariq, doing everything in her power to not testify against him. She saw the best in Tariq. Doesn’t it remind you of Angela and James? Angela ignored all of James’ red flags because she saw his potential. He was a different person around her which is why she put her life and career on the line to save him. In the same way, Lauren was trying to save Tariq. And for that, I trust her.
6.Lorenzo Tejada (Berto Colon)
I actually feel bad for the guy. He did not mean to kill Zeke. And the fact that he won’t come clean makes it worse but I understand. Monet will probably kill him within the next episode or two so it was great knowing you, Papi. Lol. But I will say, after Season 3, Episode 4, I’ve grown to actually trust him. He saved Cane’s life after Cane blackmailed him and turned him into an errand boy. He exemplified unconditional love and it’s clear that he will do anything for his family.
5.Brayden Weston (Gianni Paolo)
Of all the characters, Brayden disappoints me the most because he started off as loyal and trustworthy but now he has so many secrets. Once he bribed Tate to move Tariq out of his internship, I started to give him the side eye. But he did take the fall for everyone in the courtroom, so there’s still some trust left.
4.Councilman Tate (Larenz Tate)
His objective is winning the campaign. Dassit. So as long as you have something that will benefit him, he will stick his neck out for you. He has saved Tariq many times and stood up for him even though it was motivated by his own ambitions. He’s a politician and he just can’t help himself. So what if he forced Tariq to donate to his campaign. The trade off is that Tariq will be saved yet again. That’s the cost of having friends in high places, I guess. So Tariq, if I were you, I’d click the link and “send that bread.” Lol.
I also do think that Tate has some good in him. His hilarious code switching lets me know he won’t forget where he came from, and I believe he is ultimately fighting for the greater good. Idk, I think I’d vote for him!
3.Davis Maclean (Method Man)
Money is this MAN’s METHOD! Ok that was corny, but it’s true. He’s the best at winning cases and as long as your payments come on time, you probably won’t end up in jail. He knows his place and though he’s a bit greedy for money, he’ll always look out for his clients. To put it simply, if you have money, you can trust him, if you don’t have money, you’d better run.
2.Tariq St. Patrick (Michael Rainey Jr.)
I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually do trust Tariq now. I’ve forgiven him for all the mess in the original Power series and I now see him making strides and growing into a man who is out to protect his family. Yes, he’s responsible for a few deaths, mainly people who wanted to take him down, but to his friends he’s been mostly honest and having their back.
Now, regarding the Queens Child Project, I can’t believe he sold the building to RSJ. Ghost will for sure come back to haunt him for that. But something tells me he will get the building back. As far as I see it, Tariq is learning from his mistakes. He successfully got his mother and sister in witness protection, and he seems to have plans to get out the game and reunite with them. There’s really no hidden agenda so for now, I trust him.
1.Dru (Lovell Adams-Gray)
Dru is the most trustworthy of the whole Tejada family. Honestly, I’d trust Dru with my life. Well, I trust single Dru. Lol. Relationship Dru gets a little distracted at times and slips up. As much as I want him to get over Everett, I think it’s best if he just stays single for now until he figures out who he really wants to be. From there he can determine who is deserving of his loyalty and trust.