
Post 17 presents its final flag education program to Cindy Wientjes’ third-grade students

The American Legion Post 17 presented its final flag education program to Cindy Wientjes’ third-grade students at Roosevelt Elementary. As part of the instruction, students practiced the proper procedure for folding the U.S. Flag. Americanism officer Jeremy Storm coordinates the program presented to all third grade students in Watertown. The presentation also covers the history of the U.S. Flag from the original 13 stars and stripes to our present flag with 50 stars. Emphasis is shared on the proper etiquette, while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, during parades, and during the playing of the National Anthem. Students are also made aware of the significance of the eleven special days of remembrance on which the American Legion displays flags throughout the city of Watertown. In the photo, Vietnam War Veteran and American Legion Post 17 member Roger Papka assists third grade students Yune MacAngus and Roland Hielscher in the proper procedure of flag folding. Observing are Zander Korslund and Alexia Kongo.

This article originally appeared on Watertown Public Opinion: American Legion Post 17 presents flag education program at Roosevelt