People Are Pointing Out TV/Movie Tropes That Are So Common, People Started To Actually Believe Them
It's no secret that TV/movies can be completely unrealistic at times.
Well, Reddit user u/brotherbrother99 recently asked the question, "What are things Hollywood has tricked the general population into believing?"
And there were so many great responses! Here are some of the top-voted answers:
1."That people with normal jobs can afford the most luxurious of apartments in New York, San Francisco, etc."
2."That as long as you love someone, it'll work out. Never mind the amount of work it takes to make a relationship work, or that how you feel about someone can change because both of you change."
"Or that you should stick with the other person, no matter how horrible they are. Your love will make them better, and they will be grateful. Nah, the vast majority of times, people who 'need to be saved' are just narcissistic jerks who take advantage of kind people and make their lives hell."
3."You can hold all of another person's weight with one arm hanging off a cliff."
4."You can outrun a giant explosion."
"Explosions gently push you 10 feet but never burn all the skin, clothes, and hair off your body."
5."High schools are full of gorgeous people who always have fun and adventures. The mean people are obvious, and your grades will always improve in the nick of time as long as you study the night before."
"And how you’ll meet the love of your life as a teenager. Some people do, of course, but I’ve realized that it's way more common to have your real relationship experiences in your twenties. People freak out if they don’t date early when it is completely normal."
6."That CPR brings practically anybody back to life, no matter what happened to them.
"And if CPR doesn’t work, violently pounding on their chest will do the trick."
7."That helicopters can sneak up out of nowhere."
"Or that you can hear anything inside a military helicopter without headphones and a mic. Those things aren't for decoration."
8."Dying people are alert, oriented, and able to talk until they murmur their last words. Then, they sigh a final breath."
9."Hackers that furiously tap on the keyboard for 30 seconds...'I'm in.'"
10."Fire alarm pull stations setting off the sprinkler system."
"There is actually an organization that sends letters to Hollywood writers, telling them how dangerous it is to misrepresent how fire sprinklers work."
11."That high schoolers look like they’re in their mid to late twenties."
"If adults pretend to be teens, normal kids might compare themselves to hot, older people."
12."Knocking people out with a blow to the skull or jaw is a harmless way to temporarily incapacitate."
13."That you can enhance photos despite the grain or pixelation. If you enlarge a photo, you will not get a crystal clear image."
"Zoom and enhance is my least favorite Hollywood trope. What’s worse is I’ve seen several plots on TV shows resolved using that method, showing that, in reality, the killer or villain would easily have gotten away since enhancing to Hollywood levels isn’t a thing."
14."Paramedics are constantly running. They push the stretcher into the ER at breakneck speed with doctors and nurses running alongside down the hallways."
15."Mom or dad can make a huge breakfast to cover an entire dining room table, but kids will choose school over breakfast. They'll just grab a piece of toast and say, 'Gotta go!' or 'I’ll be late!'"
16."That car doors are somehow bulletproof."
17."Air conditioning ducts are an easy way to sneak through buildings."
18."That you can shoot somebody in the leg, and it’s harmless."
"You just have to rip off a strip of your dirty T-shirt and tie it over it, then you're all set!"
19.And finally, "If you keep bothering her long enough, she will fall for you."
"This one is genuinely dangerous. For all of Hollywood's lip service to #MeToo, they continue to put out movies that encourage men to stalk and sexually harass women."
Can you think of anything Hollywood has tricked us into believing? LMK in the comments below!
Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.