Oliver Stone Advocates for Nuclear Energy to Curtail Climate Change in Doc Trailer
The towering voice of film director Oliver Stone opens the trailer of Nuclear Now with the words: “We may have come to a point in time when Earth is asking us: ‘Do you know what you’re doing?'”
It’s a valid question Mother Earth may have as the climate crisis continues unresolved, worsening as time passes. Stone’s new documentary film, out April 28, aims to present a possible solution to it all, although it might make many people afraid: What if we used nuclear energy?
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On Tuesday, Abramorama released the trailer for the Stone-directed documentary, which delves into how the use of nuclear energy can be the true solution to combating climate change on a long-term basis. It features interviews with experts on the matter and looks to dispel myths and misconceptions about the use of nuclear energy.
“What’s scary is not the same as what’s dangerous,” says an expert in one clip. “Coal is dangerous. More people die from coal in a couple of weeks than have ever died of nuclear.”
“The question is: What about the waste? Nuclear waste is nothing compared to climate change,” adds another expert.
The documentary aims to remove some of the fears of what can happen if the world would tap into nuclear energy, and highlight how sustainable and affordable using it could actually be. Put simply by one interviewee: “Once you understand it, people are not afraid.” The documentary trailer closes with Stone’s looming voice: “We’ve run out of time to be afraid.”
“Climate change has brutally forced us to take a new look at the ways in which we generate energy as a global community. Long regarded as dangerous in popular culture, nuclear power is in fact hundreds of times safer than fossil fuels and accidents are extremely rare,” Stone said in a statement. “This is, in my mind, the greatest story of our time: discussing humanity’s arc from poverty to prosperity and its mastery of science to overcome the modern demand for more and more energy.”
Nuclear Now was written by Stone and Joshua Goldstein and is being described as a follow-up to the 2006 Oscar winner An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. The film uses elements of the book A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow by Goldstein and Staffan Qvist. The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival last September.
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