
Canadians Are Answering The Biggest Questions Non-Canadians Have For Them And It's Pretty Surprising

There are a lot of things about Canada that I don't give a second thought about, but that's mostly because I grew up there. But for non-Canadians and/or new immigrants, there are some weirdly specific things that they find confusing.

Pop TV / CBC

And that's why I found this Reddit discussion, started by u/jamaicancovfefe, so captivating. They asked: "Non-Canadians, what do you NOT understand about Canada?"

Here are some of the most insightful responses that shine a light on what non-Canadians are wondering about Canada:

1."Why do you guys not have interstates...or interprovinces?"

an arrow pointing to an busy interstate

2."My dad doesn't believe that everyone in Canada gets free healthcare."

—u/ctilvolover23And here's how Canadians reacted: 

3."Is it true that you call it 'Grade 4' instead of 'Fourth Grade'?"

a character with wide eyes in shock in the classroom

4."Do people really do the maple syrup on a stick out of the snow? I know there is a name for it, but I can't seem to find it."

a character drooling and a close up of maple syrup on a stick being rolled through the snow

5."Does Canada have lots of bugs or not? Like mosquitoes and things."

arrow pointing to a swarm of bugs

6."Why is it that half the comedians in Hollywood are from Canada? Is there something in your diet that makes you funny?"

Catherine O'Hara and Jim Carrey

7."Why do you guys love Tim Hortons so much? I drove through Canada recently and they are everywhere. I drove through one small town, with only a couple hundred people, and there were only three fast-food restaurants there. Two of them were Tim Hortons and they were about three blocks away from each other"

a Tim Horton's coffee and Justin Beiber eating

8."Is the money really waterproof?"

a hand holding Canadian money

9."What’s up with the Kraft Dinner thing? You guys talk about it like it’s the food of the Gods."

cartoon characters saying it's been a long day and only kfrat dinner can calm the nerves

10."Are flannel shirts mandatory?"

a characters wearing a flannel and backwards cap

11."Bags of milk?"

a man holding a bag of milk

12."How do you have a reputation for being overly apologetic and extremely nice when your favorite game is one of the fastest, most violent, and dangerous games played around the world?

a man holding a camera and two hockey players fighting

13."Ketchup Chips. Why?"

—u/deletedAnd here's how Canadians answered: 

14."Is life really like the show Letterkenny?"




And here's how Canadians answered:

"Surprisingly some places. The same can be said for Trailer Park Boys."


"I grew up in northwestern Saskatchewan, I can tell you, life is exactly like Letterkenny. On my last day of high school, one student drove his tractor two hours to class, just to say he did, and another person in town used to bring his horse to baseball games."


15."Moose. Like...what the hell?"

a moose with the text 1,400 pounds

And finally...

16."How are Canadians born? I mean, I've seen the GIF of a fully grown man coming out of a frozen lake with a hockey stick and skating away. I just don't understand how it all works."

Pop TV / CBC


And here's how Canadians answered:

"It's really more alchemy than birth. You cut a hole in the ice, dump in coffee, moose blood, the head of a goose, and a full set of hockey gear. Then, stir and cover the hole with a tarp and leave for two months. Your Canadian will then emerge when it's fully formed."


What other aspects of Canadian culture do non-Canadians find strange or confusing? Let us know in the comments!