
No Matter How Busy I Am, This Planner Keeps Me Stress Free

Photo Illustration: Scouted/The Daily Beast/Amazon
Photo Illustration: Scouted/The Daily Beast/Amazon

I’m a very manual person. Even after spending the majority of my life on one computer or another, the act of writing things down with a pen or pencil still stimulates my brain, telling me something needs to be done.. I’ve always relied on notebooks, and in the last year or so, I’ve adopted the To-Do list method Scouted contributor Torey van Oot suggested, to much success. But I wanted to go a step further and get a notebook that does some of the work for me. That’s where the Full Focus Planner comes in.

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The planner was created by Michael and Megan Hyatt, who took their years of expertise running successful companies and distilled that into a workflow for the masses. Within each day, there’s an hourly breakdown to fill out with tasks, a “Daily Big 3” to help prioritize, a section to jot down other long-term tasks that don’t need a spot in your daily schedule, and an entire lined page to dedicate to note taking. There’s even a key at the bottom of each page that shows symbols to help you delegate or defer tasks (or skip them all together). Plus, at the beginning of each week, there’s a preview section, which I’ve used to map out upcoming initiatives, weekly accomplishments, and even life check-ins like drinking more water. This planner allows me to basically dump a ton of information in one place that’s neatly labeled and organized for my consumption. I can compartmentalize tasks into categories and make my schedule work for me, rather than me working around my schedule. It also lets me think holistically about what I’m spending my time on in a way that a normal planner does not.


While sticking to my goals and performance is an ongoing affair, the Full Focus Planner gives me a granular look at just what is taking up my time at work and helps me understand my bandwidth at a glance. This has been incredibly helpful working from home this last year, which has its own set of distractions. If you’re looking for help sifting through everything you need in a day, this is the planner for you.

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