
The Meta Quest Pro is a Work-Focused VR Headset That Can Take The Place Of Your Office Setup

The Meta Quest 2 (or as it’s still known within the VR sphere, the Oculus Quest 2) is the most approachable, affordable headset on the market. Okay, that second part isn’t true — there are budget options, but none with the capabilities of the Quest 2. Rumors of a new headset from Meta have been swirling for a while now, but nothing was confirmed until today’s Meta Connect event.

The Quest Pro is a high-end, all-in-one VR device. It’s not quite a follow up to the Quest 2; in fact, it’s not really targeted towards gamers at all. The enhanced pass-through feature makes it more of an AR device than a VR, which opens it up to commercial applications. That said, if you get your hands on one, it still works great as a gaming device.

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The Meta Quest Pro is available now for preorder starting at $1,500 and will ship on October 25.


What We Love About the Meta Quest Pro

The idea of working in virtual reality is something that has lived rent-free in our brains for years, especially since we saw Tony Stark doing something similar in the first Iron Man. Horizon Workrooms made some of that possible in the Quest 2, but the Quest Pro takes it to a new level. Meta called it the “future of work,” and in many ways, it could be.

The avatars used within the Quest Pro accurately mimic facial expressions, so you can let your personality shine through in meetings, even if you aren’t physically there. If you’re working in person, there are even more possibilities. You can overlay virtual displays and scenes with the real world, immersing you in an environment. Imagine a desk setup in your office that consisted of only your Quest charging station.

Meta Quest Pro
Meta Quest Pro

There would be no need for monitors, or even a computer. Your work could be conducted entirely in the cloud, although you could have a physical keyboard if you wanted. That’s the vision the Quest Pro is working toward. There are gaming applications, too; Meta showed Beat Saber gameplay in a room, which would certainly cut down on the amount of times someone punched a bookshelf by accident.

New controllers are self-tracking and better balanced to provide accurate haptic feedback and finer control within VR. The headset also comes with a charging dock.



Meta Quest Pro Pricing and Availability

The Meta Quest Pro starts at $1,500 and will start shipping October 25.



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