
Meet the candidates: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Democratic primary

New Hanover County seal
New Hanover County seal

Three Democratic candidates are running in the primary race for two seats on the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.

The slate of Democratic candidates includes two incumbents and a challenger who ran for the board two years ago.

The two spots are opening up as the terms of Chair Julia Olson-Boseman and Commissioner Rob Zapple expire.

Candidates: Seven candidates are vying for two seats on New Hanover County's Board of Commissioners

Commissioners serve four-year terms and have an annual salary of $31,824 a year. The board's chair has a salary of $39,780 per year.

The three Democrats and four Republicans will face off in their respective primaries on May 17. The top two Democratic and Republican vote-getters will then move on to the general election in November.


Voters in New Hanover County have several options to cast a vote in this year's primary election.

Residents can vote before Election Day by mailing in an absentee vote or casting their vote during the One-Stop or Early Voting period, which begins April 28 and ends May 14. Early voting is held at five locations throughout New Hanover County.

Voters can also cast their ballot at any precinct on Election Day, which is Tuesday, May 17.

Julia Olson-Boseman is a candidate running in the primary election for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.
Julia Olson-Boseman is a candidate running in the primary election for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.

Julia Olson-Boseman

  • Age: 55

  • Occupation: Retired attorney

  • Family: Wife, Angie; sons, Jack and Lucas

  • Education: Bachelor of Science degree in finance from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and a JD from North Carolina Central University School of Law

  • Political affiliation: Democrat

Travis Robinson is a candidate running in the primary election for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.
Travis Robinson is a candidate running in the primary election for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.

Travis Robinson

  • Age: 57

  • Occupation: Retired after 32 years in law enforcement with 29 years at the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office

  • Family: Wife, Kim; son, Collin; and daughter, Carlee

  • Education: Studied at Cape Fear Community College

  • Political affiliation: Democrat

Rob Zapple is a candidate running in the primary election for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.
Rob Zapple is a candidate running in the primary election for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.

Rob Zapple

  • Age: 69

  • Occupation: General contractor

  • Family: Wife, Michele, of 39 years, three adult children and four grandchildren

  • Education: Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia

  • Political affiliation: Democrat

What is the biggest challenge facing New Hanover County and what would you do to address this challenge?

Olson-Boseman: The biggest challenge facing New Hanover County is the rapid growth and the rise in the cost of living. As a commissioner, I will lower taxes, raise wages for all county employees and invest in affordable housing.

Robinson: We, as a community, need to make sure citizens living on the streets, in abandoned buildings and in wooded areas are given opportunities for help with their substance and living conditions. We need to increase outreach with existing programs, such as Wilmington Downtown Incorporated's ambassador program and look at public-private partnerships, including with Salvation Army, Good Shepherd, Eden Village and other organizations. We need to make sure there are more treatment facilities for mental health and substance abuse. We need to ensure there are facilities that allow the unsheltered to sleep, maintain personal hygiene and get the help they need.

Zapple: Managing growth and balancing our continued economic prosperity with a high quality of life. Top issues related to this are: clean drinking water for our entire community, a well-funded, high-performing public education system from Pre- K to community college, affordable housing, land use zoning ordinances that encourage higher density development and recognize the need for open green space. Other top issues are increased funding for transportation issues including more multi-use trails, bike paths, expansion of public transportation, the rail realignment project and a new bridge over the Cape Fear River and protection of our unique coastal environment.

What steps would you take to ensure affordable housing is accessible for all New Hanover County residents?

Olson-Boseman: The county recently increased wages for first responders, including 911 operators, firefighters and sheriff's deputies, at least 12% to ensure our first responders can afford to live here. In the upcoming budget, we are approving an 8.2% raise for all county employees to keep up with the cost of living and make housing more attainable. Recently, we also approved $15 million over three years for affordable housing investments. In addition, we have worked with the city of Wilmington and local developers to invest in affordable housing throughout the county, including the Starway project, Eden Village and Habitat for Humanity projects.

Robinson: I would make sure projects that come before allow for the right usage defined in our land use plan. I would also look to see where there are vacant properties that could be redeveloped in our neighborhoods. I would encourage the private sector to invest in properties to allow folks in lower income brackets to be able to purchase an apartment or home with incentives or grants. I would also encourage them to have housing in a price range that first responders, healthcare and service industry folks can afford. A majority of what they make shouldn't go toward their housing.

Zapple: New Hanover County committed to provide $15 million over the next five years to identify, manage and be accountable for initiatives proven to be effective in creating affordable housing. The county will continue to support multiple existing affordable housing programs, which include $1.8 million for the Starway apartments project to create 278 affordable units. The county also donated 16 acres to Habitat for Humanity for 52 new affordable houses and provided infrastructure for 27 new, affordable houses on Daniel Boone Trail. The county also provided $250,000 for water and sewer infrastructure for Eden Village, a new tiny home community.

How closely do you believe New Hanover County officials should work and collaborate with leaders of the city of Wilmington and other municipalities and why?

Olson-Boseman: Since I have been elected, I have made it a priority to "erase the line" between the city of Wilmington and the county. This is evidenced by the city and county's joint effort to save WAVE Transit as well as our collaboration on affordable housing projects. Communication with all of our municipalities has been crucial over the past few years with the pandemic and tourism issues.

Robinson: We should work very closely as we all have a vested interest in our communities. We live, work and raise our families here. We want to make sure that all citizens have a chance at equal opportunities to live, work and have their families enjoy the fruits of their labor. Personal relationships allow for mutual trust and understanding of all who choose to serve. We are all local to this area and will have a greater impact on our citizens versus being in Raleigh or D.C., for example, when we talk and work out what is best for us all.

Zapple: There needs to be a very close working relationship between New Hanover County and all of our local governments. The issues that affect the county -- clean drinking water, affordable housing, transportation, public education, residential and commercial development, protection of our coastal environment, fire protection, emergency services, the homeless population, crime, and gun violence -- are all concerns of citizens of the city of Wilmington, our beach communities and our adjacent counties. We are always stronger and make better decisions when we work together and speak with a united voice both locally and when advocating for our region at the state legislature.

As a member of the board, how would you determine which projects or initiatives should get funding in the county's budget?

Olson-Boseman: Last year, I lead the charge to make sure New Hanover County teachers were the top paid in the state. I am committed to education from pre-k to Cape Fear Community College, bringing an industrial park to New Hanover County and bringing a low cost carrier to Wilmington International Airport.

Robinson: I would study the previous budgets to see what we have funded and what is required to continually fund. I would also look at the items that we as the county have undertaken and see which may turn out to be ones that would require funding through public funds, grants or public-private partnerships.

Zapple: Fifty-three percent of New Hanover County's budget supports basic services, including law enforcement, the judicial system, fire protection, EMS, and government agencies, 28% funds our public education system, 16% pays for the county’s debt service, and one-half of 1% of the county's budget goes to cultural and nonprofit support. I support additional funding for programs that impact the quality of life for the largest number of citizens. New Hanover County received federal and state dollars to help recover from the pandemic. This money allowed the county to make community investments that would not have been possible in normal years.

What makes you the best candidate to serve on the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners?

Olson-Boseman: I have a proven record of getting stuff done. Since I've been elected, we have constructed a 200-bed treatment facility to help battle the addiction problem in this county, formed a $1.3 billion endowment (which is, by the way, larger than the original amount in the Duke endowment), brought teacher pay to the top in the state, added social and mental health care workers to our schools, brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in new economic investments and lowered the tax rate.

Robinson: As a county resident for 45 years and working for county government with the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office for 29 years, I believe my ability to have made connections within the community and government will allow me to reach out and have that personal connection for being a man of my word and citizens knowing that I am a local who is deeply concerned with the same things that they are. I am raising my family here and want them, as well as others family's futures, to benefit from what decisions we make as their representatives everyday.

Zapple: I am honest. I have integrity. I have experience. I have had the honor and privilege over the past eight years to work for the citizens of New Hanover County. I have learned how to use our county government to make positive impacts for our entire community. I do not let politics interfere with my decision making. I am available to the public and participate in as many community events as possible. I enjoy the work that I do as a commissioner and, if given the opportunity, will continue to serve to the best of my ability.

Reporter Emma Dill can be reached at 910-343-2096 or

This article originally appeared on Wilmington StarNews: Meet the Democrats running in New Hanover's board of commissioners race