
New McDonald's opening in Beulah helping to give back to the community

A new McDonald's  on Nine Mile Road in Beulah will be holding a series of fundraising drives for Pensacola and Beulah-area causes.
A new McDonald's on Nine Mile Road in Beulah will be holding a series of fundraising drives for Pensacola and Beulah-area causes.

On Tuesday, a new McDonald's opened on West Nine Mile Road in Beulah and launched a number of new community outreach initiatives with it.

Jessica Wimer is the owner and operator of the McDonald's and has wanted to give back to the Beulah community.

"This was something that I had thought of and was definitely something that I felt very strongly about doing, was tying into the community out here," Wimer said. "Beulah is a growing area and there's not a ton out there, so for us to become part of the community was really important to me."

The O'Connors: The O'Connors made McDonald's franchises a family affair. Now their daughter follows suit.


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Wimer has set up two community initiatives to give back.

The first, running from May 16 to 31, is a raffle for one free Happy Meal a week for 52 weeks, with proceeds going directly to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Florida. It is $5 for one ticket or $20 for five tickets. To enter, go to the Ronald McDonald House website, visit the O'Connor Family McDonald's Facebook page or scan the QR codes displayed around the restaurant.

The second initiative is "Support with a Sip," which runs for the first four weeks of the restaurant opening and will have 20% of all in-store coffee sales benefitting two places. Beulah Middle School will receive the proceeds from May 17 to 31 and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida will from June 1 to 15.

Jessica Wimer is learning to become a successful McDonald's franchise owner from her mother, Susan O'Connor. She opened the family's eighth restaurant on Nine Mile Road in mid-May.
Jessica Wimer is learning to become a successful McDonald's franchise owner from her mother, Susan O'Connor. She opened the family's eighth restaurant on Nine Mile Road in mid-May.

Wimer's family operates a total of eight McDonald's restaurants in the area, and she said her parents have always stressed to her the importance of giving back to her community. Wimer said she tries her best in helping out children and her young employees fulfill their goals.

"It's just always been such an important thing for my family and myself to kind of have that community tie. The community has been really good to us and that seems only fair that we should give back," Wimer said.

The restaurant, located at 5897 West Nine Mile Road, will be open 24 hours every day.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: New Beulah McDonald's supports Beulah Middle, Big Brothers & Sisters