Letters to the Editor: If Michigan GOP loses in 2024, it's on party chair Kristina Karamo
It seems 169 years of historic, and mostly successful, political leadership, means nothing to the new Michigan GOP Chairwoman Kristina Karamo. Ms. Karamo nows sees the MI GOP as "essentially a startup," "we're building the party from the ground up" because she says "Things are ... worse than I expected." Sounds like someone who will only be satisfied when the entire MI GOP has been totally remade to her view and satisfaction — sort of like a dictator. Maybe that is why the money flowing into the MI GOP has fallen off drastically. Ms. Karamo may have excellent ideas on how to revitalize the party, but ignoring input from other "experienced" party officials, without blaming their losses in 2022, on the negative impact from former President Donald Trump, is like burying her head in the sand. It is dangerous, and will continue to negatively impact the MI GOP, and those results in 2024 will rest solely on Ms Karamo.
William KrullRoseville
Personal liberty and democracy are a balance
In a free society, people are able to express their opinions with few limits. That’s the nature of the democracy we live in. But, there need to be certain restrictions on personal liberties in order to provide for the security of the general population. It’s becoming clear that one of those restrictions relates to the possession and use of guns, especially those designed to be used in war.
Those who advocate for minimal limitations on the ownership and use of guns say the goal should be to keep guns out of the hands of the “bad guys.” The problem is, in an open society like ours, it is virtually impossible to determine who the “bad guys” are and when they might turn to violence to make their point.
Given these facts, it seems obvious that the only way to stem gun violence in this country is to limit access to guns, especially those capable of inflicting horrendous injury and death to their victims. Other democracies have learned this lesson; it’s past time when the U.S. learns it too.
Michael WildMacomb
Questioning DeSantis' trip to Michigan
The recent visit of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Midland and Hillsdale College should cause questions to be asked.
Who paid for his travel expenses? Who paid for his hotel and meals? Was he paid a speaker’s fee and, if so, how much and by whom?
I find it interesting that his visit is to a small Michigan city noted for its right-wing extremists. It was followed by a visit to Hillsdale College whose president, while criticizing all public schools and educators as failures, promotes charter schools whose Hillsdale College-written politically dictated curriculum is so extreme that even conservative dominated Tennessee has rejected it.
Michigan voters must watch with suspicion as zealots from other states seek to import their extremism into Michigan society. Michigan citizens take pride in promoting a culture of tolerance, respect, fighting racism and hatred and supporting a public school system that promotes critical thinking.
Who is paying to promote such extremism in Michigan?
John F. FrenzelSaginaw
Influence of money in politics has spread to the court
Despite America’s claim to be the world’s greatest democracy, everyone knows that money has historically played too large of a role for us to truly be “for the people and by the people.” In 2010, the Citizens United ruling exacerbated this by deeming money to be speech. Virtually unlimited influence from the wealthy was unleashed on our political system.
Even though the Supreme Court allowed this travesty to happen, they still tried to maintain an air of impartiality. Yes, they were partisan, but they also adhered to a code of ethics. With the past week’s news that Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted millions of dollars of luxury vacations for decades from a billionaire Republican donor, the fallacy of the court being above influence has been once and for all disproved. The rich have long had undue influence over the executive branch and Congress. Now it’s obvious that they have it over the Supreme Court as well. Reform measures desperately need to be taken because our “democracy” is in peril.
Bryan ChaseHuntington Woods
The twisted logic of the NRA
The twisted logic of the National Rifle Association would have us believe the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms to protect us from each other and from our own country, never mind that we are our country.
Our constitution provides us the right to vote to elect those who would make and oversee the laws that have been created to protect us all, not just Democrats, Republicans, whites, males, heterosexuals, etc. It also provides the means to fire them if they fail.
Our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness supersedes the unspecified Second Amendment right to own an AR-15 rifle, a 30-round clip or any weapon capable of firing off 30 rounds in less than 30 seconds.
Edward David RachwitzBeaverton City, Mich.
Officers must be ethical, transgressions must be public record
As a career law enforcement (retired from the Los Angeles Police Department, and a former Detroit police officer), I regularly provide training to police officers and prosecutors. I always remind officers that they must be scrupulously honest and accurate in their investigations, reports, and testimony. If an officer can't do that, then it's time for the officer to find another line of work. And the same applies if a prosecutor knowingly withholds exculpatory information from the defense, or evidence of an officer's history of untruthfulness. Without ethics, we have nothing.
Thomas PageDetroit
Two things Congress can do to make the tax code more fair
President Joe Biden has released his new budget. Among his many priorities, a huge one is making the tax code fairer for everyday Americans.
I agree and there are two things the U.S. Congress could do right now to make it happen. First, expand the Child Tax Credit. In 2021 Congress expanded the CTC to all low-income families and sent it as monthly payments. Child poverty immediately plummeted and parents breathed a sigh of relief. Sadly, Congress let the expanded CTC expire.
Second, enact a Renter Tax Credit (RTC). Millions of American renters are struggling to keep up with skyrocketing rents. While the tax code gives billions in tax breaks to homeowners, renters get nothing. The RTC would remedy this by giving rent-burdened households a refundable tax credit to help offset the high cost of rent.
For decades, Congress has skewed the tax code for the wealthy. The president is calling on them to start putting everyday Americans first. I urge our Michigan members of Congress to follow suit by expanding the CTC and enacting an RTC now.
Sylvia LewisRochester
These are facts now
Former President Donald Trump was charged last week with the actual 34 criminal counts. Trump and his allies can spin that any way they want, but this is now fact. Trump is now the first former president to ever be indicted. Also fact: The grand jury, in Manhattan, are also Trump peers who judged probably cause to indict. Trump. Also fact.
The New York grand jury has not been dismissed and there may be further indictments. My speculation but may well be true.
Gerald MaxeyFarmington Hills
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This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Letters to the Editor: GOP chair Kristina Karamo owns party outcomes