
Kylie Jenner rips Instagram for being too much like TikTok just as Mark Zuckerberg embraces TikTok’s business model


Celebrity businesswomen Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian are no fans of the latest changes made to Instagram.

Jenner, who has 360 million Instagram followers, the most of any woman on the service, shared a post on Monday by another user that said, “make Instagram, Instagram again.” Below that, the post said, “stop trying to be TikTok.”

“I just want to see cute photos of my friends,” it said, ending, “sincerely, everyone.”

Jenner then added her own caption to the post, “PLEASEEEEEEE.” Shortly after, her older sister, Kardashian, who has 326 million Instagram followers, endorsed the comment by writing, “PRETTY PLEASE.”


The complaints come after Instagram’s parent, Meta, tweaked the service to make it more like rival TikTok by emphasizing short videos and an algorithm that recommends content to users from others who they’re not already following. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been pushing a TikTok-like video service, called Reels, on both Instagram and Facebook.

Both the Jenner and Kardashian sisters frequently market their own products and brands on Instagram. It’s likely that the changes to the app have hurt their own marketing and in turn their businesses.

It’s not the first time that Jenner has criticized social media companies

In 2018, she made it clear that she was not a fan of Snapchat’s redesign in a tweet. The next day, the company’s stock dropped 6%— a $1.3 billion loss in its market value.

However, regardless of her criticism of Instagram, Jenner still makes more money in one Instagram post than imaginable to some people. In 2019, she earned $1.27 million per sponsored post, as reported by MarketWatch.

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