
Here's how Taunton mayor's salary stacks up, with raise shelved — for now

TAUNTON — The City Council shelved plans to discuss giving raises to themselves and the mayor.

Council President Chris Coute had scheduled debate on the idea for Tuesday night's City Council meeting. Mayor Shaunna O'Connell currently makes $125,500.

"Our mayor, at a buck twenty five, is at the low end of mayors across the state," Coute said Wednesday. "It's a big job, with a big budget. I don't think that's enough."

Taunton Mayor Shaunna O'Connell speaks at the ribbon cutting for Morton Hospital's Comprehensive Addiction Program (MORCAP) on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021.
Taunton Mayor Shaunna O'Connell speaks at the ribbon cutting for Morton Hospital's Comprehensive Addiction Program (MORCAP) on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021.

Coute declined to say what salary he would have proposed as a starting point for debate, but said he'd have pitched it at less than $150,000.


But the discussion will have to wait.

State law prohibits lame-duck city councils from voting on raises for themselves or a mayor.

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When the new City Council is seated in January, it will be up to the new president, Phil Duarte, to decide when or if to put raises on the agenda.

Even if the new council grants raises in 2022, state law mandates that they can't take effect until 2023.

"No increase or reduction in such salaries shall take effect during the year in which such increase or reduction is voted, and no change in such ordinance shall be made between the election of a new council or other legislative body and the qualification of the new council or other legislative body," reads the applicable Massachusetts General Law.

Taunton City Council President Chris Coute
Taunton City Council President Chris Coute

O'Connell makes less than several city employees. The proposed but not-yet-filled post of chief financial officer, has been pegged at $150,000 for the eventual hire.

The mayor's current salary is also less than those of Police Chief Ed Walsh, who makes $145,149, and Fire Chief Timothy Bradshaw, who earns $141,419. The mayor's salary is also less than that of the commissioner of public works, Fred Cornaglia, who makes $135,343.

Coute said he didn't bring up the mayoral raise just for the current mayor. He said he'd also backed a raise for O'Connell's predecessor, Tom Hoye.

Raises for city councilors themselves would also have been on the table. Councilors earn $10,000 a year, a figure that hasn't changed for at least 16 years, according to City Councilor David Pottier, who first won a seat on the city's governing board in 2005.

"I don't know any job that hasn't had a raise in 16 years," Pottier said Monday.

By voice vote on Tuesday night, City Council voted to table the discussion of salaries.

Mayoral salaries

Worcester $153,776 (population 206,518)

Brockton $153,037 (pop. 105,643)

Weymouth $140,000 (pop. 57,437)

Medford $136,451 (pop. 59,659)

Attleboro $132,455 (pop. 46,461)

Taunton $125,500 (pop. 59,408)

Fall River $119,598 (pop. 94,000)

New Bedford $112,853 (pop. 101,079)

Source: Salaries by most recent budget of city or town, population by 2020 Census Redistricting dataset.

Editor's note: This report originally gave the wrong salary for the mayor's chief of staff, Ed Correira. He makes $99,500. The incorrect total had included the salary of the deputy chief of staff, Radka Barter, who makes $50,882.

Send your news tips to reporter Chris Helms by email at Support local journalism by purchasing a digital or print subscription to The Taunton Daily Gazette.

This article originally appeared on The Taunton Daily Gazette: Taunton mayor raise: City Council holds off debate on salary increases