
Get your dancin' boots on: Boots and Bowties Ball returns next month

Couples dance to the music of Arbuckle Xpress at the 2021 Boots and Bowties Ball held earlier this year. The event will return on January 29 to raise money for the Carter County Junior Livestock Show.
Couples dance to the music of Arbuckle Xpress at the 2021 Boots and Bowties Ball held earlier this year. The event will return on January 29 to raise money for the Carter County Junior Livestock Show.

The Carter County Saddle and Sirloin Committee is inviting everyone to the The Boots and Bowties Ball which will be returning to the Ardmore Convention Center next month. Guests are encouraged to wear their favorite "western cocktail" attire to enjoy an evening of dinner, live music, dancing and raising money for the Carter County Junior Livestock Show.

CCSSC Committee Co-chair Chloe Jones said all the money raised from the event will go directly to the livestock show. The show takes place every March, and there area students ranging in age from elementary to high school will be displaying the animals they have spent the year raising and taking care of.

"As with any event there are overhead costs associated with putting on the livestock show, so a portion of the money will go towards that," Jones said. "But a substantial amount of the money we raise will go directly to the exhibitors who have worked hard enough to get their animals into the premium auction."


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Jones said the amount of money each student will receive is based upon where they place. Often the prize money will be used by the student on the animal they will be showing during the next school year. Jones pointed out the cost of raising, caring for, and feeding animals can be costly.

"It's an expensive endeavor (for the children), but it's so worth it," Jones said. "It teaches them responsibility, discipline and to care for another living creature. So it's our goal to support these kids."

The ball is set for 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 29., and tickets will cost $75 dollars a person. Tickets can be purchased in purchase from Cook Paint at 4 E. Main St. or online at Tickets are limited to 300, so Jones encouraged everyone to get their tickets early. However, as long as tickets are still available, they will remain on sale through Friday, Jan. 28.

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The event will begin with a cocktail hour followed by a catered dinner from Two Frogs Grill. A live auction with items donated by various local businesses will take place after dinner, and this will be followed by a silent auction. The evening will end with dancing to the live music of Arbuckle Xpress who will perform a variety of country and rock hits.

"One of the things that really makes our event special is that there is really nothing else like it, and there is nowhere within about 100 miles where you can dance to live music" Jones said. "Arbuckle Xpress has been with us for a long time, and not only are they the best, they're also the kindest people you'll ever meet. They are so much fun and so talented."

For more information about the Boots and Bowties Ball visit or

This article originally appeared on The Daily Ardmoreite: Get your dancin' boots on: Boots and Bowties Ball returns next month