
We Used AI To Show What Jane Austen Characters Would Look Like In Real Life Based On The Books, And Mr. Darcy Is Too Stunning

I'm a huge bookworm: from thrillers to sci-fi to YA — I try to read it all. But one author will always be my favorite: Jane Austen. With strong female leads, well-written love interests, and an unhealthy dose of snark, Austen never fails to make me laugh and feel comforted.

Having just read all six of Austen's novels, I've noticed that Austen doesn't describe her characters in great detail. While I'm glad that we're spared the "honey blonde mid-length hair and teal-green orbs" spiel you find today, I was inspired to try to recreate Austen characters with a mix of in-book descriptions and my own imagination.

Some characters were very clearly described (like Harriet Smith), while others, especially male leads like Captain Wentworth and Mr. Knightley, had no physical description at all. Here are my best attempts to recreate possible Austen characters with the help of ArtBreeder!

1.Elinor Dashwood — Sense & Sensibility (1811)

AI recreation of book character

2.Marianne Dashwood — Sense and Sensibility (1811)

AI recreation of book character

3.Elizabeth "Lizzy" Bennet — Pride and Prejudice (1813)

AI recreation of book character

4.Jane Bennet — Pride and Prejudice (1813)

AI recreation of book character

5.Fitzwilliam Darcy — Pride and Prejudice (1813)

AI recreation of book character

6.Fanny Price — Mansfield Park (1814)

AI recreation of book character

7.Mary Crawford — Mansfield Park (1814)

AI recreation of book character

8.Henry Crawford — Mansfield Park (1814)

AI recreation of book character

9.Emma — Emma (1815)

AI recreation of book character

10.George Knightley — Emma (1815)

AI recreation of book character

11.Harriet Smith — Emma (1815)

AI recreation of book character

12.Catherine Morland — Northanger Abbey (1817)

AI recreation of book character

13.Henry Tilney — Northanger Abbey 1817

AI recreation of book character

14.Anne Elliot — Persuasion (1817)

AI recreation of book character

15.And Frederick Wentworth — Persuasion (1817)

AI recreation of book character

What are your thoughts on these AI recreations? Did they match the image you had of them in your head when you read the novels? Comment your thoughts below!

This post is an entry in BuzzFeed’s 2nd Annual Community Summer Writers’ Challenge, where you can earn $$$ for creating your own lists and quizzes published through September 15, 2022! Check out alllll the details here.