
This Brand New Compact Insect Trap Attracts and Kills Fruit Flies and Gnats 24/7

Katchy Insect Trap Launch
Katchy Insect Trap Launch

Courtesy of Amazon

Waking up to a fresh batch of bug bites and then walking into your kitchen to find a swarm of fruit flies over your ripe bananas and tomatoes isn't a good way to wake up. And we've all dealt with pesky little gnats hovering around our house plants. Getting rid of outdoor insects is easy enough with outdoor insect zappers and citronella candles, but tackling the problem from the inside is a bit trickier.

So it's a good thing that Katchy, the brand behind Amazon's best-selling indoor fly trap, just released a new and improved model for dealing with lingering fall pests. The Katchy Duo Indoor Fruit Fly Trap attracts fruit flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and no-see-ums using a 360-degree UV light, a liquid bait pod, and a silent-operating fan that sucks them into the trap, where they'll stick to glue boards.

Katchy Insect Trap Launch
Katchy Insect Trap Launch

Courtesy of Amazon


BUY IT: $49.99;

The trap uses chemical-free disposable glue boards instead of electric zappers, so it's safe to use around kids and pets, and you can fill the liquid bait pods with apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap to attract and kill the bugs. It even comes with a tray for the replaceable glue boards for mess-free disposal.

The compact and sleek design resembles a high-tech kitchen gadget or smart speaker, so it won't distract from your decor. And it's really compact for small spaces, too. You can control the insect trap manually or with its auto-controls that turn on the UV light when it detects enough darkness. The trap has five brightness levels and five fan speeds that you can set depending on the severity of your bug problem.

The original version of the Katchy Indoor Fly Trap, shoppers say, is "hands-down one of the most effective ways of getting rid of flying pests"; it features just the UV light and the sticky glue boards, so it functions best at night. Because the new model includes the scent trap and the UV light, it can work 24/7 to kill hundreds of fruit flies in a few days.

Shop the newest technology in indoor fly traps at Amazon to rid your home of lingering fall bugs.