"Attack On Titan" Is Back And I'm Already Losing My Mind After Watching That First Episode
🚨Spoiler Warning🚨 If you're not caught up on Attack on Titan, do some binging and come back when you're ready because we're diving right into the season premiere of Attack on Titan's Final Season Part 2.
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The first half of the final season of AoT left us with a lot of questions: Levi was last seen getting blasted with a thunder spear, Eren was attacked by Marley and the Jaw Titan, and we weren't sure what the hell Eren was thinking by betraying the ones he was so close to. We obviously weren't going to get all the answers, but some major questions were answered, and here's the recap.
Levi's Dead and Zeke Lives
The episode opens up with a captured Hange discovering a bloodied Levi on the ground while Floch and other Jaegerists are looking on. Hange explains to Floch that Levi is dead to which Floch insists on checking his vitals himself. At this moment the nearby Titan who had tucked Zeke into its belly (literally) starts to steam and produce a newly healed Zeke which gives Hange the distraction she needs to jump in the nearby river and escape with her beloved friend. I think it's safe to assume that Levi is most likely alive since there's no way a badass of his caliber would ever go out like that. Now back to Zeke... it seems he has no real clue how he was healed after blowing himself and Levi up with a thunder spear but considering he is back to having limbs again I'm sure he's not too worried about how and focused on reuniting with his brother.
Marley's Attack on Paradis
Returning back to Paradis we see the full scale of the Marleyans attack on Paradis. With little Gabi being saved by Porco and Pieck, meanwhile, Eren goes on the defensive as he decides to take on both Reiner and Porco even though Yelena speaks out against it. We see tons of Marleyan soldiers parachute in as well as set up the cannon on the Cart Titan that we see getting put to use later on. As Gabi is reunited with her fellow allies they speak about a "rumbling" that would occur if Eren and Zeke were to come into contact with each other. At this point Marley not only feels they are getting their revenge for Liberio but that they are actually going to save the world from destruction if they kill Eren.
Eren Uses His Warhammer Abilities
Believing this recent attack to be a desperate move by the Marleyans, Eren decides to single-handedly take on both Reiner and Porco at the same time. It is then that we get to see him use the Warhammer abilities that he "acquired" when he attacked Liberio. He quickly skewers both Jaw and Armored Titans and looks like he generally has the upper hand until Pieck in her Cart Titan form delivers a nasty blow.
Cart Titan and Crew Land a Vicious Blow
While Eren is battling Porco and Reiner, Pieck strategically gets to high ground and with her trusty cannon starts to even the playing field for her comrades. She and her crew are able to land a nasty headshot to Eren's Titan which is able to incapacitate him for a bit and give Reiner a chance to impale Eren with one of his own spikes.
Jaegerists Suffer Major Losses
During the Titan battle, the Jaegerists try their best to protect their leader, only to discover that their enemies have already gotten the position. This results in a lot of them being gunned down, we see waves of Jagerists being shot from not only the rooftops of the houses but also from the blimps floating above. As a result of this, we see Onyankopon pull a desperate move to try and protect Eren.
Onyankopon Releases Eren's Former Comrades
When Onyankopon sees his leader starting to lose the fight against the Marleyans he quickly runs down to Eren's former friends, pleading that they have to help Eren even though he imprisoned them and is trying to put forth a plan to sterilize all Eldians. After being pinned to the wall by Conny we find out that not all Jaegerists were made aware of the spinal fluid trickery that Yelena pulled and that some Jaegerists might not be onboard with Yelena and Zekes master plan. The question is then proposed to Mikasa if they should act or not, to which you can tell she is still reeling from the emotional abuse Eren laid out and seems to be on the fence if her wanting to help is her actually feelings or her Ackerman blood. This is when Armin in true fashion comes out and defends his childhood friend saying that he believes he made those things up and is going along with Yelena and Zeke's plan for other motives. It is a reminder that no matter what, Armin seemingly will always be there for his closest friend. We are left with yet another cliffhanger whether or not Eren's old comrades will come to his rescue. We will have to tune in next week to find out.