Vox Populi: 'Putin didn’t invade Ukraine while Trump was President because...'
Vox Populi is the voice of the people. Leave your comments at savannahvox@gmail.com.
"There is no need for GA to reinstate 'safety' precautions (needless restrictions to access) on abortion pills: evidence-based research shows mifepristone followed by misoprostol is safe and effective through 63 days of gestational age. "
"President Biden’s job rating in a recent March NBC News poll showed the lowest mark of his presidency and shows that Biden and the Democrat-led Congress are leading America in the wrong direction."
More Vox Populi: 'Will the Islands Expressway bridge or Plant Vogtle be completed first?'
"The deficit rose every year under Trump. It's fallen billions of dollars since Biden has been in office!"
"Apple wins an Oscar for buying the distribution rights to CODA: had absolutely nothing to do with the production of the film. And then went out and bought their way to an Academy Award. Only in America."
"Lindsey Graham has completely embarrassed himself and South Carolina with his senseless questioning of Judge Jackson during her SCOTUS confirmation hearing."
"I think that some of Russia's nuclear weapons are starting to get rusty."
"CAT service is unmatched for its non-existence while drivers are rude with a bad attitude"
More Vox Populi: 'Gas stations aren’t being greedy...'
"How refreshing to see the President of The United States make a speech about something other than himself."
"The only reason we are shown the up-close suffering of the women and children of Ukraine that we weren’t shown in Afghanistan is because the media knows white people empathize more with white people."
"President Biden is working hard to stop illegal immigration. By the time he's through with this economy, no one will want to come here."
"Putin didn’t invade Ukraine while Trump was President because he didn’t need to. Trump was doing the job for him… destroying NATO."
"I think Kamala Harris is a disgrace to this nation."
"The lake at Tribble Park has been dry for months. The city keeps saying the problem is more complicated than expected, but nothing seems to be happening. The deer, turtles, ducks, geese, otters and many others depend on the water for their lives. Can't this work get started?"
This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Vox: Reader comments on Putin, Trump, Biden, Ukraine and local issues