
68 Senior Quotes So Good You'll Kinda Want To Steal Them

1."I'm not great at senior quotes. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"

via @lexiee74

2."Ignorance is bliss; that's why I'm miserable."

via @borawardpatient

3."I bet you didn't even know this was an option. 😉😎👳🏽‍♀️👌🏻🐫🇺🇸"

via yearbookquotes

4."The only things straight about me are the lines I paint."

via @Art_P3rry

5."I'm sorry, did my shoulders distract you from reading this quote?" — Alexandra Kramer

via @emilybotnen

6."WE" —Alice Nguyen

"ARE" —Kim Nguyen

"NOT" —Theresa Nguyen

"RELATED" —Vivian Nguyen

via @dannallen

7."My A's turned to B's and so did my grades, God bless."

via u/Alabaster_Sugarfoot

8."The carpet matches the drapes."

via @joshwheeler_13

9."I need feminism because I intend on marrying rich, and I can't do that if my wife and I are making .75 cent for every dollar a man makes."

via @the_female_lead

10."SpongeBob SquarePants, season 3, episode 25, minute 5:44"



via @Sarahnc3535

11."That wasn't like High School Musical at all."

via Setharooni

12."I'm that Nigerian prince that keeps emailing you."

via yearbookquotes

13."I like my women how I like my coffee. I don't like coffee."

via @LipsTaco

14."Now you can call me Madison Hypothesis because I'm an educated Guess." —Madison Guess

via @MadisonGuess

15."High School — Well...Just as I thought...Trash."

via @_mcmilly

16."Someone post this as a meme. I need to prove that getting on the front page of r/me_irl is easy. They'll upvote anything, even a Senior quote."

via u/bdstel

17."At least my name wasn't Ted." —Blake Bundy

via @jgardner53_

18."I was the Beyoncé in a school full of Michelles."

Beyonce waving goodbye at a basketball game with Jay Z behind her

19."I like my coffee how I like myself: dark, bitter, and too hot for you."

via ddarksskin

20."You can't choose your father, but you can choose your daddy."

via toriann1717

21."And they were roommates!" —Miriam Fitts

"Oh my god, they were roommates." —Kaele Tobias Martinez

via @mirimoo_

22."Shoot for the moon; if you miss you will die in outer space, which is cool." —Katya Zamolodchikova

via @gallivance

23."What if one day you woke up and you were a chicken?"

via @ASamanthaRae

24."I listen to The Weeknd more than I listen to my teachers."

via @mariatesfaye_

25."Don't follow your dreams, follow me on Twitter @GeorgeNanouh!"

via george__nanouh

26."Whether I gave all my effort, or no effort, I'm always giving Max effort." —Maxwell Traylor

via @AudreyTraylor

27."Ravioli, ravioli, give me my diplomioli."

via @justkatetbh

28."Hannah Montana said nobody's perfect, but here I am."

Disney / Via

via @callanjennings

29."Of all the verses in the good book, this one has gotten me through these four years: Lunch 12:22."

via @joebob_III

30."All y'all fake."

via @Barely_Will

31."Of course I dress well, I didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing."

via @sammie_walls

32."All pizzas are personal pizzas if you try hard enough."

via kaileebrown_13

33."You can catch a lot of flies with honey, but you can catch more honeys being fly."

via @abrummettfor3

34."I am not Amith. I am a legend."

via u/Foliews

35."They say you are what you eat, but I don't remember eating a goat."

via @alexis_levister

36."I have used my textbooks ONCE in these four years, it was as a plate for a waffle."

via @iisabelleiz

37."Yes I was born on a Tuesday. No, my brothers' names aren't Wednesday and Monday." —Tuesday Dermargosian

via tuesdaydermargosian

38."'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. —Wayne Gretzky' —Michael Scott"

Michael puts his foot on Jim's desk

39."I'm already hungry tomorrow."


40."'Sam just stole my girl again.' —Everyone" —Samuel Teehee

via @hanteehee

41."I started high school with straight A's; now I'm not even straight."

via @FinestCharliee

42."'No.' —Rosa Parks"

via @kaitlinshaww

43."Education is important but biceps are importanter."

via @el_prietito

44."Aye, the beat go off..." —Jason Sears

"...I UP AND THEN MY HEAT GO OFF!!" —Mikala Shannon

via @mikalams

45."Don't follow your dreams... Follow my Twitter: @nerojordan."

via @SBilafer

46."Good morning folks let's get those vaccinations." —Viking Wadsworth

via @insomores

47."If I die, turn my tweets into a book." —Gina Linetti

Gina talking in the precinct kitchen in "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"

48."Anything is possible when you sound Caucasian on the phone."

via @bxb1x3

49."Narnia wasn't the only thing in the closet for 17 years..."

via @istanastan

50."I did meet some of the most insufferable people, but they also met me." —Shane Madej

via @LilliGrant21

51."I was about to take a math test, but when I pulled out my calculator, it was a pop-tart. I still don't know who did it." —Marbury

"Me and my friends put a pop-tart in somebody's calculator case and drew all the numbers on it. It was really funny." —Sam

via u/infinitequails

52."My stummy hurt." —Playboi Carti

via @ashdog_

53."I once tried to say 'Justin Timberlake' out loud and it came out as 'Jimber Timber.'"

via @Alex_Jaynes

54."At least I didn't drop out of high school like Zayn dropped out of One Direction."

via @flickerkisses

55."Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy." —Plankton

via @Reecee_yt

56."I want to actually attend a full week of school."

via @uhhhmorgan

57."That's hot." —Paris Hilton

via @chaejuyomi

58."Waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning."

via @Joeyjr22

59."The only reason I went to school all this time is to distract myself from the fact I'll never be Beyoncé."

via @Surftiva

60."I'm only 3 1/2 minutes younger..." —Allison Rowell

" 3 1/2 minutes of my life." —Lauren Rowell

via @DavidJPeterson

61."I want you to know that someone out there cares. Not me, but someone out there does."

via @SavageSeger

62."'Are you guys twins?' Nope, just cousins." —Adrian Moreno

"No, really. We're actually twins." —Angel Moreno

via @TheAdrianMoreno

63."To all the teachers that never taught me a thing: Stranger Things, Season 2, Episode 5, 35:08."

via BuzzFeed

64."Sometimes when my neighbor is gone, I roll around in her garden and pretend I'm a carrot."

via @S66life

65."If you like water, you already like 72% of me."

via @thur5day

66."I love me a good pancake."

via @kianavilli

67."I'm not really funny, I'm just mean and people think I'm joking."

via @TheMemesArchive

68."My computer screen is brighter than my future."

via @thur5day

This article contains content previously curated by Dave Stopera, Michelle Rennex, Syd Robinson Hattie Soykan, and Shyla Watson. It was compiled by Kelly Rissman.