60 Genius Homecoming Float Ideas
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60 Genius Homecoming Float Ideas
Homecoming parades are a great way to show off your school pride to your community and bring everyone together. But one of the best parts of the parade is seeing all the amazing floats. Building homecoming floats is a great way for you and your besties to hang out and get excited for the big game. You might have to wear a mask this year, but don't let that stop you from getting in on the Homecoming fun.
Schools from all over love to show off their creativity and school spirit with floats, and there are so many great ideas out there to inspire you this year. Here are 60 genius homecoming float ideas.
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1) The Hogwarts Express Platform
This float will transport you directly to Hogwarts.
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2) Keeping Up with The Kardashians
Transform yourself into Kris Jenner and manage the production of the entire float.
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3) Maleficent
This float makes sure you don't forget to invite Maleficent to your homecoming.
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4) Monopoly
This classic board game inspired float is going to inspire your post-parade plans.
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5) E.T.
You're never going to want to go home with E.T. on your float.
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6) The City of Townsville from The PowerPuff Girls
On this float you might be able to see your favorite kindergarten aged superheroes.
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7) Batman
The only thing this float needs is a bat signal in the sky.
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8) Barbie and Ken
This Barbie and Ken float couldn't be any more adorable.
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9) Poké Ball
Use this float to travel across the Kanto Region on your quest to catch 'em all.
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10) Hairspray
This is every excuse you need to have the biggest hair possible.
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11) Pride Rock from The Lion King
Show off your school winning the homecoming game at the end of this Pride Rock.
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12) Up!
Just make sure the house doesn't float away.
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13) Pompeii
An awesome float and a history lesson all in one.
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15) Gryffindor Tower
Show off your Gryffindor pride and bring the magic of Hogwarts to your school.
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16) Game of Thrones
Because who wouldn't love a Game of Thrones float?
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17) Classic Volkswagen Van
Turn your homecoming parade into a disco with this throwback.
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18) Country Music
The best country music float ever.
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19) Around the World
This float is so much cheaper than plane tickets.
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21) Survivor
This may be Survivor, but no one is getting kicked off this float.
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22) Ship
Sail the seas and become the ultimate adventurer.
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23) Space
This float will help you reach the stars.
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24) SpongeBob Squarepants
The level of detail on this one will make you feel like you took a trip to Bikini Bottom.
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25) Seven Dwarfs
Off to the homecoming parade you go!
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26) Comic Book
Become homecoming's favorite superhero or fiercest villain on this float.
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27) Walt Disney
You can create the most magical float on Earth.
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28) The Walking Dead
Walkers probably can't catch you on this float, but no promises.
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29) The Wizard of Oz
You'll turn the parade route into the Yellow Brick Road.
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30) Etch a Sketch
Make this float into anything you want it to be, literally.
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31) Baseball
This all American float is perfect for any homecoming game.
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32) Statue of Liberty
You can never go wrong with an NYC skyline.
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33) Movie Premiere
Isn't a premiere the best way to show up to Homecoming?
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34) Jurassic Park
This float doubles as the ultimate survival vehicle.
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35) The 60s
So much happened in the 60s and you can see it all with this float.
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37) Pokemon
This pokéball is big enough for your entire Pokédex.
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38) Star Wars
May the force be with you as you build this float and with all who see it.
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39) Fast & Furious
Make your float the fastest at the game.
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40) Red Riding Hood
You can ride this float all the way to Granny's house.
minniemoms@Instagram - 39/57
41) The Avengers
Only you can help The Avengers save Homecoming.
tayylor_larsonn@Instagram - 40/57
42) Finding Nemo
Just keep swimming down the street on this aquatic float.
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43) Haunted House
The best things about Halloween and Homecoming in one.
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44) Beauty and the Beast
The finishing touch on this float should be a single red rose.
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45) Phantom of the Opera
Imagine if you also performed the opera on this float.
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46) Live Football Game
A football game at a football game would be like inception.
atificial_intelligence@Instagram - 45/57
47) Art Club
Show off every aspect of your artistic side on this float.
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48) Girl Scouts
This could double as a stand. Imagine all the money you'd get with all those people at Homecoming.
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49) Throwback to the 80s
So much nostalgia on one float.
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50) Superheroes Edition of Guess Who
Can you guess which hero is which?
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51) Football
A float inspired by the big day.
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52) Seniors of the Caribbean
Take over the seven seas in search of a float better than this. You won't find one.
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53) The Great Gatsby
This float literally has chandeliers. How can you top that?
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54) Toy Story
This float is basically Andy's toy box and who wouldn't love a huge toy box?
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55) Rock Em' Sock Em' Robots
This float is more fun than a pillow fight.
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56) Under the Sea
You can get lost in how beautiful this float is.
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58) Disney
This one is just like stepping into Disney World.
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59) The Road to El Dorado
Travel to your own city of gold on this float.
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60) Alice in Wonderland
This float won't take you to Wonderland, but it will bring Wonderland to you.
The most creative and fun way to show off your school spirit.