
21 Yearbook Design Fails That Are So Bad, They're Actually Iconic And Will Be For Years To Come

1. This yearbook poll bar graph that tried its best:

2. This yearbook from 1984, allegedly:

3. This "Venn diagram" that was soooo close, yet so far:

4. This "mirror" cover concept that was great in theory, but maybe not in practice...???

5. This yearbook cover that says, "Never wheat soggy eat":

6. This Photoshop job:

7. REMEMBER 👏 THE 👏 NARME!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏

8. Of course, this list wouldn't be complete without a "face collage":

9. This sliiiiight oversight by the yearbook committee:

10. This precious relic of one's "highs chool" years:

11. It's salad's "1%" for me, actually:

12.Lost if in found the please world return✨:

13. Umm...COME AGAIN?!

14. This graph that just really left us guessing:

15. This gray on gray action!!!

16. This yearbook from Cade Midlde School:

17. I'm not even gonna try decoding this one:

18. This poll on the class's favorite WATER FLAVOR?!?!?!?!?!

19. THIS EDIT?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!

20. This yearbook committee that liked the idea of doing an acrostic poem on the cover, but didn't 100% understand the assignment:

21. And lastly, just.......everything that's going on here:

H/T: r/CrappyDesign