2021 Municipal Election results: Hayes wins race for Lexington Mayor
After several months of delay, the 2021 municipal election are officially over and Lexington has a new mayor.
Jason Hayes won the most votes. Current Lexington Mayor Newell Clark did not file for reelection.
The 2021 municipal election was delayed due to the late release of the 2020 U.S. Census data due to COVID-19 which postponed the redrawing of local voting wards. Normally, those numbers would have come out in March, but they were not released until September. The 2021 municipal election was moved to May 17, which is also primary elections for the 2022 general election on Nov. 8.
The following are the results for Lexington Mayor, Lexington City Council, Lexington and Lexington City Schools Board of Education
Lexington Mayor
Lexington City Council
Lexington City Schools Board of Education
NOTE: Lewie Phillips was the only candidate that filed for Ward 6 for the Lexington City Schools Board of Election. Debra Verdell was the only candidate the filed for the at-large seat on the school board. No one filed for Lexington City Schools Board of Education Ward 4.
General news reporter Sharon Myers can be reached at sharon.myers@the-dispatch.com. Follow her on Twitter @LexDispatchSM.
This article originally appeared on The Dispatch: 2022 Municipal Elections: Hayes wins Lexington Mayor