
19 Kids Movie Scenes That Are Way More Emotional Than They Have Any Right To Be

If you've ever decided to rewatch your favorite kids movie and quickly realized that it is 1,000 times sadder than it has any right to be, don't worry, you're not alone. Reddit user u/lituponfire recently asked, "What film scene absolutely destroys you every time, no matter how many times you've seen it?" and the people have spoken. Basically, what I've gotten out of this is that our favorite childhood movies exist to rip our hearts out.

🚨Warning: Spoilers ahead 🚨

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

1."In Lilo and Stitch, when Stitch is leaving, and Lilo says she remembers everyone who leaves, and then Stitch is crying in the forest saying he's lost."

Stitch alone in the woods
Disney / Buena Vista Pictures

Watch the full scene here:

2."Bridge to Terabithia is the only movie that has ever made my friend and me cry at the same time (especially in the room with each other — we are not the type to show our tears, but that caught us waaaay off guard)."

Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia

Watch the full scene here:

3."The scene from The Land Before Time when Little Foot thinks he sees his mom, but it's just his shadow, and the narrator says, 'Then Little Foot knew for certain he was alone.' It still gets to me every single time."

Little Foot in The Land Before Time
Universal Pictures

Watch the full scene here:

4."The scene from Dumbo where the mom elephant is locked up and taken away from Dumbo."

Dumbo being held by mom

Watch the full scene here:

5."In The Fox and the Hound when the sweet old lady has to leave Tod behind in the woods. Everything about it gets me: the music, the kindness of the lady, Tod not understanding that he has to stay in the woods; especially the moment when you see a tear rolling down her cheek as she drives off."

Tod from The Fox and the Hound looking sad
Disney / Buena Vista Pictures

Watch the full scene here:

6."In Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey at the end when you think Shadow might not be coming home."

Shadow laying in the mud
Buena Vista Pictures / Walt Disney

Watch the full scene here:

7."In Coco at the end when Mama Coco finally crosses the bridge with her dad. Having a daughter, it gets me every time."

Coco and her parents crossing the bridge
Disney / Pixar

Watch the full scene here:

8."In Monsters, Inc. when Sulley says goodbye to Boo and he opens Boo's door at the end."

Boo looking sad in her bed
Buena Vista Distribution / Pixar / Disney

Watch the full scene here:

9."In Moana when Moana's grandma comes back and tells her it's OK, she tried her best, and she can go home, and then the 'I Am Moana' song ensues. If I ever need to cry, it's that."

Moana's grandma's spirit

Watch the full scene here:

10."'I cannot deactivate until you are satisfied with your care.' —Baymax, Big Hero 6."

Hiro and Baymax hugging

Watch the full scene here:

11."When Iron Giant sacrifices himself to stop a nuke."

Eli saying goodbye to Iron Giant
Warner Bros.

Watch the full scene here:

12."The end of Toy Story 3 when Andy gives Buzz and Woody and all the toys to Bonnie. It gets me every single time. I’m even teary thinking about it now."

Andy handing over Woody
Disney / Pixar

Watch the full scene here:

13."The end of WALL-E when he loses his personality."

Wall-E and Eva

Watch the full scene here:

14."In The Neverending Story when Atreyu loses Artax in the Swamp of Sadness. It was tough to see as a kid, but unbearably sad as an adult."

Atreyu and Artax
Warner Bros.

Watch the full scene here:

15."When goofball island collapses in Inside Out. They flash through all the memories of the daughter acting like a silly toddler, and you know she’ll never be like that ever again. For anyone with older kids, you know how hard this scene hits."

Goofball Island falls
Disney / Pixar

Watch the full scene here:

16."The scene in Mulan where she returns home with the sword and medallion, the highest possible honor one could achieve. Her father never once takes his eyes off of Mulan as he throws the medallion aside and rushs to give her a hug. That part gets me every time."

Mulan presenting the sword to her father

Watch the full scene here:

17."'Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!' — My Girl."

Vada crying
Columbia Pictures

Watch the full scene here:

18."The montage in Brother Bear of Kenai telling Koda that he was the one who killed his mother."

Kenai telling Koda the truth
Buena Vista / Disney

Watch the full scene here:

19.Finally, "I get this pavlovian reaction to start tearing up whenever I hear the music from the beginning of Up."

Ellie in bed

Watch the full scene here: