23 Genius Valentine's Day Memes That Will Make You LOL
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1) Dating on Valentine's Day
Ah, yes, the awkwardness of just entering a new relationship around Valentine's Day ...
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2) Single on Valentine's
Let's be honest: We're all Jessica Day from New Girl when it comes to being single on February 14.
RELATED: 40 Quotes About Being Single Because Self-Love Is the Best Love
introverts.cafe@Instagram - 3/22
3) February 15 Is Underrated
The best part about Valentine's Day? When it's finally over and all that delicious chocolate goes on sale, of course.
nubbyninja23@Instagram - 4/22
4) Florals For Valentine's Day
I mean, how many times do we have to see another post of someone receiving the same bouquet of red roses?
RELATED: The Best Flower Delivery Services for Every Occasion (That You Can Order Online)
mytherapistsays@Instagram - 5/22
5) Valentine's Day Plans
We've never related to Harry more, honestly.
RELATED: 11 Great Things to Do If You're Single on Valentine's Day
bustle@Instagram - 6/22
6) Dinner for Two
Time to cook up a romantic candlelit Valentine's Day dinner ... except both portions are for myself.
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7) Forget Chocolate
Heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are so last year — we'll take some nuggs (and extra sauce!) instead.
sam.e.memes@Instagram - 8/22
8) A Date for Valentine's Day
What do you mean, do I have a date for Valentine's Day? Just check your calendar, Jim.
elenita_esc82@Instagram - 9/22
9) The Choice Is Yours
Who needs overpriced flowers? She'll appreciate the famous Costco rotisserie chicken just as much — and you'll only have to spend $5.
RELATED: 25 Cheap Valentine's Day Gifts That Are Still Incredibly Thoughtful
bustle@Instagram - 10/22
10) Single on Valentine's
I mean, not having to shave and just getting to sit at home in your sweatpants and a messy bun? Sometimes being single and having to put in zero effort on Valentine's is great.
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11) One True Love
Forget tall, dark and handsome ... We want warm, cheesy, and delicious this Valentine's Day.
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12) A Valentine From a "Secret Admirer"
None of us want to admit it but ... yeah, we've all been there, too.
mindykaling@Instagram - 13/22
13) Love Is in the Air?
Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory said it best: "Love is in the air? Wrong. Nitrogen, Argon and Carbon Dioxide are in the air."
mytherapistsays@Instagram - 14/22
14) The Office Candy Bowl
Because the best part about Valentine's Day in the office is obviously the free candy bowl.
RELATED: 45 Best Valentine's Day Chocolates and Candy to Buy for Your Loved Ones
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15) The Reason I'm Single
A romantic Valentine message that says "You Complete Me"? Yeah, right ... More like "You Complete Mess."
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16) Half Price Chocolate!
Because the best chocolates you can receive for Valentine's Day are the ones you give yourself ... on February 15 when everything is HALF OFF!
memetrendz2@Instagram - 17/22
17) Get the Hint
IMO: There's nothing more romantic than sitting on the couch, ordering in and catching up on your favorite TV shows.
RELATED: The 25 Best Romantic Movies on Netflix to Make Your Heart Flutter
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18) Don't Wait Until the Last Minute
Chandler embodies all of us, especially with our pathetic (but admirable) attempts at DIY Valentine's Day gifts.
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19) Dear Husband
Unfortunately, years of marriage haven't helped drown out your husband's snoring.
RELATED: 30 Creative Valentine's Day Gifts for Husbands That Aren't Cheesy (Promise)
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20) Hinting About the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift
Teddy bears are sweet and all, but we all know that a dog is everything.
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21) Start a Movement With Your S.O.
There's no pressure when you love and appreciate your partner every single day.
someecards@Instagram - 22/22
22) There Aren't Enough Words
Because Valentine's Day isn't always limited to our S.O. We can always count on our best friend for endless support all year long!
RELATED: 30 Creative Valentine's Day Gifts for Friends That Come Straight From the Heart